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February 25, 2018

Jisoo called me early in the morning.

It's about him.

Without any thoughts, my feet bring me here.

I'm standing in front of their house.

The gate soon widely open with Jisoo on the other side, showing a faint smile.

"Go." she said making a way for me to enter which confuse me. "You can help him."

I can?

Every step I take to reach their house's door makes my heart beat go wild.

"Jennie." I turn around when I heard Jisoo's call. "He's in his room and..."

She sound scruple but I just stood there, waiting for her to continue.

"Thank you for coming."

I know in my self that I've been waiting for this moment as I can't stop my lips to form an upward curve.

I made it inside their house and their butler guide my way to his room.

We stop in front of a door and wait till he unlock it.

Why do they need to lock him?

When the door fully open, all I could see is broken portion of some glass and a really messy room with an awful scent.

The room is dark, the only light is coming from the light of the house and the sunlight that was hiding behind the curtain that was fully covered in his window.

"If you need any help, you can use the intercom." he spoke and left.

I'm scared but I'm also curious on what is happening to him. I don't know what could I help but I just wish I could.

As soon as I step inside the room, I heard some murmur that I can't locate where is coming from.

I look around and saw a figure sitting at the very corner of the room.

It's him.

He's covering his ears and quivering. Looking all panic.

"Taehyung." I called out and he immediately look at me.

"J-Jennie?" he look surprise but got up quickly and give me a hug. "T-They lock m-me. I'm s-sorry that I didn't show up"

He cup my cheeks and got a shiver as I feel a warm liquid on his hand.

"It's fine."

I held his hand and felt the liquid that made me go curious to look at.


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