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February 16, 2018

I yelp when I heard a loud noise coming from Taehyung's room.

"Taehyung?" I knocked but got answered by a loud noise.

The key.

I took the key under the carpet in front of his room.

But got stop by dad's butler.

He's with some guards and maid with a syringe.

They open the door and saw how messy his room.

There are a lot of broken glass and pieces of wood.

Even his study table is upside down.

They immediately approach my brother and held him tight.

"Are you crazy?!"

I shouted, seeing the butler was about to inject him.

"You've been injecting him four times now! Do you want to kill him?!"

Taking the syringe out of his hand and throw it outside the window.

His condition is getting worse.

I sat in front of him to get a better view of his pale face.

"Taehyung please, fight with it."

Slowly, his breathing calm and so do him.

"It's fine, you can do it."


It shrunken my heart.

Hearing his deep shaky voice calling me.

It's the first time he called me with that word.

Something happened so the book got unpublished.

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