642 54 0


October 20, 2017

"I swear I'm telling the truth. He's ethereal." I said, showing the very blurry picture I took.

She shakes her head, "Are you sure you're not imagining things?"

A frown appear on my face as she tease me again.

"If you saw him, you'll never said that to me."

Walking back to my class with a pout, Jisoo catch up with me.

"Alright, next time, we'll go take the train together." she said causing my face lit up in excitement.

She just laugh and we both head back to our class.

I was staring at the very blurry picture I've taken earlier.

Actually, not him.

He didn't even caught on cam because of the desperation of me to hide my phone.

I'm still glad that not everyone in the train saw me.

Or else I'm fully embarrassed right now.

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