413 44 6


December 25, 2017

It's almost five o'clock.

I'm walking on the street on my way to take the train.

But my eyes caught someone leaning on a wall, thinking deeply.

I squint my eyes to create a clear vision and slowly take my step to the guy.

I stopped my track when I realize who it was.

What is he doing here?

He turn his head in my position and his face says it all, he's also surprise.

A smile crept on his face and wave his hand in the air.

"Hello!" he shouted.

I look at my back to see if he's talking to someone else.

"I'm talking to you!"

Looking back, he's slowly walking to approach me.

When he's now in front of me, he laughs.

"You're Jennie right? Jisoo's friend."

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