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January 29, 2018

I'm at the train station, waiting for the train to come.

I'm nervous.

It will be the first time we will take a train station.

Know each other's name.

And close as friends.

These past few weeks, we became close.

He's really kind.

But there's something strange about him sometimes.

Now that the train door is wide open, I took a one last deep breath before entering.

My eyes immediately landed where he usually sits.

He's there.

Also looking at me.

I sat on where I usually sits and gave him a smile the he didn't fail to send back.

I didn't know what to say or do so I just decided to did what I'm always doing.

Look at him from time to time.

He's wearing his spectacles again with a book on his hand.

We act like we didn't know each other.

Our pass time that become a hobby.

Jisoo is lucky.

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