427 41 1


December 25, 2017

I'm heading to Jisoo's house today.

Her mom invited me for a short dinner.

It's my first time going to their house so I'm nervous.

As I reach my destination.

I push the doorbell and just wait for someone to open a gate.

Jisoo's face appeared at the small space opening.

A smile plastered on her face before fully opening the door for me to enter.

"I thought you're going to be late." she laughs.

"That's when we hang out, but it's your mom who invited me." I said.

She shot me a fast glare and pulled me inside their house.

It's bigger than our house.

Everything look so elegant and fancy.

"Come on, mom cooked spicy beef soup and ginseng chicken soup."

Their dining are is also beautiful.

Their table is long enough for ten people.

Chairs are aligned properly.

"Oh dear you're here." Jisoo's mom put a plate on the table and take off her apron.

She immediately embrace me.

I miss being hug by a mom.

I hope my mom is here with me.

A tear nearly escape from my eyes.

Jisoo notice it and cut the moment immediately.

I thank her before we take a seat.

Jisoo is sitting beside me while her mom and dad is in front of us.

"I always told Jisoo to invite you but she keeps on saying you are busy." her mom started.

I look at Jisoo confuse since she never ask me about going to her house.

"I'm sorry, as a senior we both became busy. My dad and I barely even talk." looking back to her mom.

"Don't exhaust your self ok?" she even put a rice and spicy beef soup.

I thanked her and started to eat with them.

"How's Jisoo in school by the way? Is she a good president?" her dad asks.

I nod my head. "She's always responsible of her duty. I even envy her smartness."

"Of course, I inherited it to my beautiful mom." Jisoo said with full of sweetness.

Mrs. Park laugh at her husband making me smile.

"I'm also smart." Mr. Kim insisted.

"Yeah dad." a sarcasm is visible on Jisoo's tone.

I just smiled and wish that I'm also part of their family.

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