Bohemean Parody

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Bohemean Parody


Is this the real song?

Is this a parody?

I have a headache,

There are too many harmonies.

This song is a hit,

Though it is six whole minutes,


This song don't make sense,

I write any words rhyming!


If your bored,

Write this song,

No one cares,

If it's long.

This is overrated,

Since the mid 70s,



I think I've killed a song,

By changing all of the words,

From quite normal to absurd.

People say I'm making fun,

Of a classic band but just admit it is,

Funny, ooo!

Sorry if I offend Queen fans,

My songs are made up as I go along,

Rhyming crazy shit only because they both go.

Readers, don't go too soon,

You can buy this on iTunes,

For only nine ninety nine (£9.99 or $9.99)

Now if you want to go read more professional

Parody songs from any other people,

Cause this sucks, ooo

But it is your loss,

I do not give one if this seems ameteur.


Dramatic music change to not bore us to death,

It's different, it's different, doesn't go with the last part,

Lasers and diamonds, cooking stove, fireman cheese,

That was random, that was random,

That was random, That was random,

That was random, naming things

- I don't know why...


I am on Wattpad, and I write parodies.


Mollteaser writes them just for hilarity!

She's so random we think she's got rabies


No I don't have rabies, that was very mean.


Mollteaser, you must be so mental - so mental!

Mollteaser, you must be so mental - so mental!

Mollteaser, you must be mental - so mental!

You must be so mental


No I'm not!


We are getting bored


So am I!


Let's get a burger - ooo


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Oh, let's get pizza, let's get pizza, let's get pizza and a coke

Cola sounds good and then we'll go and read,

And read,

And read...


There will be more parodies to come, so you will be surprised,

I'm taking all suggestions so far or at least I will try,

Oh I'm back - for the one millionth time,

I'm gonna try to - I'm gonna try to stay much longer.


Ooh yeah, ooh yeah,


I'm will take suggestions!

Anyone has said,

I'm gonna take suggestions, Gonna take all suggestions I read!

I wrote all this randomly...

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