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"Jocelyn was batshit crazy"

Jocelyn's POV

A Siberian Husky. I was very pleased with my 'spirit animal' as I liked to think about it. I had been worried I'd transform into something horrible, like a rat. I made my way back to McGonagall's office feeling happy and broken at the same time. I had read, and she had told me, that the first transformation was painful and scary, but I had underestimated how much. I had never been more terrified in my life. It took all I had to keep control and not fight it, but it was over now. I had made it. All that was left was practice transforming faster and with more ease each time.

Despite the late hour, she was waiting for me. "Well?" she asked.

"A dog. A Siberian Husky" I said, smiling weakly. She smiled proudly. I realized I'd seen her smile very few times and it made me feel giddy that she was so happy for me.

"I knew you could do it. I'm proud of you, Miss Silverway. Now, you must practice but you can call yourself an animagus. Congratulations," she said. I sat on the chair opposite her desk.

"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help"

"Don't be silly. All I did was give you a nudge" she dismissed me. "A deal is a deal, you don't have to work with Mr. Black during transfiguration lessons anymore"

I had completely forgotten about that. "Actually... I'd like to stay paired up with him. I've changed my mind," I said. I did not like the small smile that played on her lips. I did not like it the tiniest bit.

"Very well"

"Will you help me with the registration process, professor?" I asked. At that, she looked somber and leaned forward over her desk.

"I hope you understand that I would never, ever, in normal circumstances, sanction breaking the rules" she started. Where was this going? "However, I am sure you are aware of the rumors surrounding the disappearances of witches and wizards all over the country"

"I've heard some things," I said. She nodded.

"We have reason to believe a dark wizard might be on the rise. It is still speculation at this point, but I have discussed it with the headmaster, and we think that registering you would be a mistake"


"It takes great skill and magical prowess to accomplish the animagus transformation at such young age. We believe registering you would bring unwanted attention. If there is, as we suspect, a dark wizard on the rise, his first move would be recruitment"

"I would never join him. No matter what they said or promised," I said feeling utterly outraged. What did she think of me?

"We know. That's the problem" she let that sink in. Oh. Oh.

"You think I'd be in danger?"

"It is a possibility," she said. "Nobody knows you have mastered the transformation other than Professor Dumbledore and myself, am I right?"

"You are"

"We suggest that you keep it secret and stay unregistered until we know if it's safe. We can always lie on your registration and say you mastered it later. I am not suggesting you stay illegal indefinitely, but I would not risk your life just to put your name on a piece of paper," I was speechless.

"Thank you," I managed to whisper. She nodded.

"Make sure to practice as much as you can, but keep it a secret. And, congratulations again. You have outdone the master. I was seventeen when I managed it," she said with a hint of pride in her voice. I smiled widely at her and stood up.

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