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"And the Order could use your help"

Jocelyn's POV

'Do not cause a scene, do not cause a scene, do not cause a scene' I chanted to myself as Fettuccini (I never knew I could be this petty, but I refused to even think her name), the Ravenclaw whore that was currently sleeping with Sirius, walked over to our table after breakfast. We had a week left of term and were debating whether to go home or stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. She flicked her hair and put a hand on Sirius' shoulder. I fantasized about chopping it off. It scared me a little. It was getting wildly out of hand.

"Hey, handsome" her voice was even more irritating than her general attitude.

"What's up?" to my delight, Sirius moved ever so slightly so her hand fell off his shoulder. I knew he was my best friend for a reason.

"I was wondering if you'd like to have a drink in Hogsmeade this afternoon"

"I'm busy. It's the last visit before the holiday, we've got plans" 'take that, bitch' I thought. Lily elbowed me a little and I looked at her, confused.

"You look like you're trying to make her head explode" she whispered.

"Who says I am not?" I joked. She chuckled.

"Oh, well, let me know if you want to meet up when you're back instead" she smiled suggestively at him and turned around. She walked away swinging her hips so much I thought she might break her back. If only.

We walked back to the common room and the boys went up to their room to change. We were about to do the same when a fourth-year girl asked Lily for some help with a, particularly difficult potion.

"Come up to our room, I have some notes that will help" she offered. She was such a good Head Girl.

The girl came with us. I started sorting through my trunk trying to decide what to wear when I knocked over some books. The fourth-year girl hurried over to help me. She busied herself picking up pieces of parchment that had flown all over the place whilst chattering incessantly about how cool she thought I was. Then, she stopped talking mid-sentence and I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Oh, my Godric. So, Evelin was right all along" she whispered in awe.

"What?" I was confused. Who was Evelin?

"Evelin is my friend. She's a year above me, in Hufflepuff. She told me she thought you and Sirius Black were together"

"What on earth made you think she was right?" I asked, curious.

"This" she showed me an old photo that had been forgotten inside one of my books. It was a photo of when Jax and I were dating, two summers ago. One of his mates had taken it whilst we were kissing.

I stared at it, wondering what it was that had her in such a state. And then, it hit me. It hit me like a ton of bricks. It was as if someone removed a veil from my eyes, and then I was looking at the photograph again, and I was seeing it through the eyes of this little fourth-year girl. I had a very similar feeling as I did the day I figured out Remus' secret. That epiphany feeling when all the pieces of the puzzle finally fit together, and they do so perfectly. Every little comment, every strange look that my friends had made and given Jax. Every joke I'd made about 'tall, dark and handsome' being my type and Lily slightly freaking out but trying to hide it. I fell on my arse.

"Lily," I said, panic clear in my voice. She had been distracted and had missed this little episode.


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