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"What if we eloped?"

Sirius' POV

Jocelyn was still fast asleep, and I didn't want to wake her up yet. I got out of bed quietly and made my way to the kitchen. I almost had a heart attack when I walked in and found Alastor Moody standing by the stove with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Alastor? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Ah, finally someone's awake! You know, it was way too easy for me to get in here, what if I'd been a Death Eater?" he inquired.

"Alastor, you put up the protective spells. Of course, you can get in," I pointed out.

"Constant vigilance, Sirius!" he slammed his hand on the counter and I jumped a little, startled.

"Indeed," I poured myself some coffee. "Coffee?"

"No," he replied, making an impatient hand gesture.

"Why are you here?"

"Ah, right, yes. Remus has sent news from the wolfpack he's within Ireland, I thought you'd want to know he's safe and sound and they've accepted him," he explained.

I did feel a massive weight lift off my shoulders. We'd all been nervous about this; it was his first time trying to infiltrate a pack.

"That is great news. Thanks for coming all... Wait, you didn't come all the way here just to tell us this, did you?"

"What... Good morning Alastor. Why are you in my house?" Prongs walked into the kitchen and went straight for the coffee pot. His hair was even messier than usual, and the bags under his eyes let me know he'd stayed up late.

"We have reason to believe Lord Voldemort is going to move on a committee from the American Ministry visiting next week. We need escorts," Moddy said. I sighed.

"I'll go," I volunteered.

"No way, absolutely no way," James shook his head. "You've gone on the past three missions already. Yesterday was the first time you saw Jo in two months. She'll kill you if you get yourself re-assigned so soon. You are not going. I am."

"We'll go together, I'm not letting you go..."

"Go where?" Jo interrupted as she walked in.

I turned to look at her and the wind was knocked out of me. It hadn't stopped amazing me that this goddess was all mine. She was wearing my shirt, which served as a dress on her small frame. Her chocolate hair cascaded down her back, and it was all I could do not to go to her and bury my hands in it.

"There's a mission," James replied. "And your crazy ass boyfriend wants to volunteer for it, again!"


"It's here, in London. Escort and protection for the envoy of the American Ministry," Moody told her. I knew what she was going to say before she said it.

"I'll go," she said.

"Absolutely not. Are you guys insane? Do you not want to take a little break?" James shook Jocelyn by the shoulders. "You just got back from Romania. You were gone two months, and all the while Sirius was in and out of missions like he was collecting detentions back at Hogwarts!"

"You can't go, James," Jo said softly. "You are getting married in two weeks"

He groaned in frustration. "I am not getting married so you guys can keep me out of every mission. That's unfair."

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