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"I'm busy with the boys"

Jocelyn's POV

Life was good. Remus and Alice and Lily and Cal were still going strong, and, despite small doubts that crept up here and there, so were James and I. It was quite nice that all three of us were coupled up. We spent a lot of time discussing our boyfriends every night before bed, and it made me giddy that we were all so happy. Peter was over the moon at securing his first-ever official date to Hogsmeade the previous weekend.

Sirius, on the other hand, had never been more of a womanizer than in the past three weeks. His already humongous ego and popularity had soared even more after the crash and he was constantly harassed by girls. I'd not be surprised if he caught an STD. It was incredibly irritating every time he was late to class and showed up with messy hair and a badly arranged tie. Often, it led to shouting matches between us. We kept arguing over the smallest and most insignificant things, but he was just so annoying.

I had practiced my animagus transformation a few times per week since the Hufflepuff game. The first time, I was terrified my accident had somehow interfered with my new skill but turns out I had nothing to worry about. A few nights in, I had even dared to go out for a run around the grounds. I had met a friendly big black dog, probably owned by one of the Hogsmeade locals, and spent some time frolicking by the owlry.

That night, I had been out again with my dog friend and we'd been almost to Hogsmeade and back, running and playing freely. I'd come back late and overslept as a result so I had to hurry straight to potions, skipping breakfast.

I arrived just as the last few Slytherins were walking in. I ignored their nasty comments, as per usual, and headed to the desk I shared with Lily and Alice only to find Lily and Sirius there.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Sleeping beauty graces us with her presence" Sirius joked. I rolled my eyes. He took an apple out of his pocket and gave it to me. I looked at him with surprise and he just shrugged. "You do it for us all the time" was all he said.

"Thanks" I grinned at him.

"We're working in pairs today," Lily said. "Remus is not feeling well, so he's skipping lessons. Alice is with Peter, she thought you'd like to work with James"

I nodded and joined James by his desk. He gave me a quick peck on the lips that caused the Slytherins behind us to sneer. What a bunch of losers.

"Is Remus alright?" I asked him as I started to check the ingredients list.

"What?" he knocked over an empty vial.

"Lily said he's not feeling well?" I picked it up and put a piece of parchment and my quill on the desk.

"Right, yes, no, he's a bit ill," he said before muttering "ingredients" and rushing to the cabinets.

I waited for him at the desk, fleetingly wondering if there was any reason for James to be acting a bit nervous around me today. I knew we had only been dating for a month, but we were usually much more at ease with each other.

"I was thinking it would be nice to spend some time in that room, you know the one? Where we went after the party that time?" I told James towards the end of the lesson.

"That is an excellent idea. Tomorrow around six? I will even prepare dinner for you" he said. I frowned.

"Tomorrow night we're having girls' night, James. I told you this ages ago, remember? We get the prefects' bathroom thanks to Lils" I pouted. "Let's go tonight"

"Class dismissed" informed the professor. I packed my stuff and followed James out.

"James, let's go tonight," I said again. He leaned against the wall on the corridor to wait for the others and I moved closer to him. I had a few tricks up my sleeve when it came to persuading him.

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