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"Our vengeance will be nothing short of epic."

Jocelyn's POV

I woke up on my wedding day feeling oddly calm. I could hear 2 months old baby Harry crying somewhere in the house, and people shouting instructions. There was also a lot of the peculiar noise House Elves made when they apparated. That morning, I saw in front of the mirror as Lily helped me with my hair and make-up and we both discussed, just as we had done on her wedding day, how much Alice would have loved to be here with us. It broke my heart a little bit, but I had seen far too much death by this point to let it ruin my day.

My wedding to Sirius was going to be perfect. We were getting married in my parent's villa in the south of France with our closest friends and members of the Order.

As I walked down the aisle, I thought Sirius looked the most handsome I had ever seen him. I like to think the sparkle I saw on his cheek was a solitary tear.

We had agreed that keeping our vows short was the best option. I had insisted on only one sentence, and Sirius had shrugged which I understood to mean 'whatever you want'. I went first.

"'Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same' I vow to love you, Sirius Black, always and forever."

He smiled, and the crowd made an 'aaaww' sound. Then, it was his turn.

"All I ever wanted out of life was to find the kind of love that consumes you, and I knew I found it the first time I kissed you, Jocelyn. I vow to do my best to give you that same feeling every single day for the rest of my life: a kind of love that is nothing short of epic."

I didn't care he'd broken our one-sentence rule, or that all our guests were watching, or that there was a war going on and the world was sad and awful, and our friends were in danger. In that one moment, all I cared about was Sirius and how intensely I loved him. I kissed him as we were pronounced husband and wife, I kissed him as people clapped and cheered, and I would have gone on kissing him if not for the horde of Death Eaters that descended upon us that very second.

Sirius' POV

It was chaos. One minute I was seriously (ha) considering stealing Jo away from the ceremony and locking ourselves in a room in the house, the next everyone was running for their lives. Jocelyn ripped the skirt of her dress off with a swish of her wand and vaulted from the altar to where James, Lily, and Harry were. I put up a shield and looked around for Remus and Peter. Remus was helping people getaway, but Peter had disappeared. I had no time to worry about him, though. Jocelyn was fighting with all her might to give Lily and James a chance to escape with Harry.

"Quick, this way," she led them away, casting curses left-right, and center. James held Lily with one hand and fought together with Jocelyn with the other, his face a mask of fear for the safety of his wife and his baby. I ran after them, bringing up the rear.

As soon as I reached them, Jo shouted at me: "You get them out of here, I'm going to teach Voldemort some wedding day etiquette," and took off towards the battle again.

"I got this, we can apparate from here, go make sure your wife makes it to your wedding night," Prongs told me. I nodded curtly but stayed until they had left.

Anyone else would have been upset that their wedding was crashed by a terrorist and his mob. Not Jocelyn, though. She looked fierce and beautiful, like an avenging angel as she fought Lord Voldemort himself on the altar where we'd got married a few minutes ago. I heard a swoosh behind me and turned to see James coming towards me, wand at the ready and a smirk on his face.

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