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"I want fireworks"

Sirius' POV

The month of May of our sixth year went down in history as one of the shittiest ever. Reports of strange things happening were coming in a lot more frequently than before. We saw a new missing person in the paper every other day, and Red, being the smart girl she was, quickly spotted a pattern. Most of the missing people were muggle-borns. We were told not to worry time and time again, but it was hard not to.

I had found an unexpected ally and support in Lily Evans. She made excuses for me when I felt overwhelmed by any situation and had to disappear for a few hours. She never even asked me where I went or what I did with that time, she just seemed to know I needed it. To avoid raising suspicion, I had tried going back to sleeping around, but it just didn't feel right. Eventually, I started just going to Hogsmeade and getting drunk, but I stopped that too when I came back one night and ran into Jocelyn in the common room. Turns out being drunk around her was way too risky.

With the quidditch season over I had no reason to spend any alone time with Jocelyn which was good and bad. I missed our beater practice. I also missed her in general, but as Lily had wisely told me, I had to stay away from her. So, I tried. I tried with everything I had.

Jocelyn's POV

I was getting really worried. The news on the Daily Prophet was increasingly disturbing and the fact that Lily had figured out whoever this dark wizard as he was targeting muggle-borns didn't make it any easier. I was on my way to meet James at our usual spot, the mystery room only he knew how to open, but the last thing on my mind was whatever girlfriends thought about when going to meet their boyfriends.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," I said pushing the door open.

"Don't worry, everything okay?" I reached him and sat next to him.

"No. I'm worried, James. We'll be done with sixth year in a little over a month and that means leaving Hogwarts for the summer. I'm worried about Lily" saying it out loud made me feel even worse if that was possible.

"I know. I've been thinking about it, too"

"You have?"

"Of course I have. And I have an idea" he informed me.

"Go on" I smiled at him. Being around James, talking to him, was so easy. We got along so well. Why did I constantly feel like something was missing?

"I got us tickets to the Quidditch World Cup in France," he said, beaming.

"Us? Like you and I?"

"And Sirius, Remus, Peter, Alice, and Lily, if they want to come" I stared at him.

"James, that must have cost a fortune"

"My parents were happy to do it. It's our last Hogwarts summer, I want it to be special. Plus, there's no way these sick bastards would do anything during the World Cup. Lily will be safe for at least two weeks"

I hugged him. "You are the best, James Potter. And I have an idea to add to yours"

"Let's hear it"

"We should just spend summer together. As much as we can. I'll invite Lily to my place, then we could go somewhere all together, my parents have a house in the south of France. We could go for a week, then make our way to the World Cup. That's a month gone, and Lily would be safe throughout" James was nodding enthusiastically.

"I could host us for a week or two at my place in London after that" he offered.

"I'm sure Alice will offer her place too" I clapped my hands. "This is brilliant, James. Thank you"

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