Chapter Twenty Eight

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Hunter's POV:

While I was waiting for Tyler to arrive, I watched my car

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While I was waiting for Tyler to arrive, I watched my car. I now regret having tinted windows. Because of the distance, I can't really see a figure or something moving inside the car either. Tyler's car drive pass mine and pulls into a parking lot in front of the building, an entire distance from my car. He gets out and looks at my car, before making his way towards me.

"What's going on?" He asks when he stops next to me. "Something feels off, I could swear that I had locked my car, but it wasn't locked." I explain and turn away from the window. Who ever might be watching had to catch on already. They would try to escape now without us noticing, so we have to make a plan.

"Let's go to the camera room. I want to see something." I start to walk and Tyler jogs slightly to catch up to me. "Hunter, you're scaring me. This seems serious." Tyler grabs my shoulder and I turn to face him, catching someone running from my car to the bushes behind it. "There!" I yell and run outside. My legs are burning as I try to get to the bushes faster, but when I rounded it the person wasn't behind it. Tyler finally catches up and looks at me like I have lost my mind.

Maybe I have.

"Hunter." He looks at me with a serious look and I take a deep breath. "I don't know." I murmur, "I think I am just anxious after everything that I had found out." I look at him and I see that he is not looking at me, but behind me with a frown on his face. "Or not." He says as he walks to my car. I follow him, still cautious of everything around us. I freeze when I see what Tyler had saw.

White paint spelled out the words; "Leave Julia for me." on my car's window. I feel nauseous knowing that someone was in my car, and that my gut feeling was right. I know exactly who this could be and that for once, Aiden and Amanda is not guilty. 

I run to my car door and open it, peeking inside and my stomach swirls. "The fucker ruined my seats!" I yell and slam the door shut, hoping that if I open the door again, the mess wouldn't be there. Tyler opens the door and the mess is still there, he shuts it too. "I hope you have insurance that will cover that." He mutters and combs his fingers through his hair.

"Fuck no! The bastard will pay for that!" I yell and kick my car's wheel out of frustration. "You don't even know who did it." My glare turns to Tyler and he just stares at me, "I do, and it is going to be messy when I get hold of him." I lock my car's doors and make my way to Tyler's car. "Let's go to your house, I need to speak to Julia." Tyler grabs my arm, stopping me for the second time.

"No." He looks dead serious as he glares at me. "After the words you had said to her, you will not say a word other than "Sorry," and if you can't say that to her, I will speak to her and you will leave her alone." I grit my teeth. "You will not tell me when I may or may not speak to my girl." His glare hardens. "She's not your girl after what you said. You pretty much told her that she's cheap and a slut, and she did not deserve those words from you." I feel my heart sink with his words.

"I spoke out of anger," I look down at the floor, trying to look for the right words, "I didn't mean them." I look back at him and his glare had fade. "She doesn't know that. Julia is having a hard time already, she doesn't need you flaring off at her the way that you had." He points at my car, "She's in danger and it is your job to keep her safe." I nod my head and turn to his car again.

"Then let's go."

The drive was silent, but it gave me time to think. I should probably apologize to her. What I said was pretty fucked up. I grab my phone to see if Bianca had said anything, but there was no messages. 

No messages is also a good thing, Hunter.

"You have to get your team involve in this, Hunter." Tyler speaks and I look at him, trying to understand what he is saying. "Threats was made, Julia was put in danger multiple times, my family as well. This is getting serious and we are not going to do this on our own." I finally catch what he is saying. "This is my case, I can't-"

He pushes the brakes and faces me, calm Tyler long gone. "This isn't a case anymore, Hunter!" He yells and I can see his hands shaking. Fear? Anger? "My little girl is in danger, my wife is in danger! You need to realize the seriousness in this matter!" I stare at him before turning my gaze to the dark road. "We first need to find out where he is, before calling in the team."

"We can get him to one spot, you know that." Tyler starts the car again, "He needs to do something that is a good enough reason to call in the team." I point out and Tyler nods. "Once he threatens my family, there is no reason for him to live. If he had killed once, he will do it again." I know now that Tyler is just afraid for his family. He doesn't want them to get hurt or killed.

Tyler's words swims in my head and I realize that it's true...this isn't a case anymore. Gabby and Stephanie is in danger and we need to think smart about this. In order to get Justin to one spot, we need to use bait or something. My heart hammers against my chest when a plan starts to form, a dangerous plan, but one nonetheless. 

"Okay, we will trick him." I nod my head and Tyler peeks at me before looking back at the road. "Trick him? You need to be more specific Hunter, I don't live in your head." I glare at him, but start to explain anyway. "I'll have to ask Julia to call him, to ask him to meet her, maybe let her whoo him again," My hands balls into fists, but I keep myself calm, "When we have him where we need him, the team comes in and grabs him. Maybe he can go to jail this time when we have enough evidence as to why."

"We have more than enough evidence, Hunter. We just need to prove it's him." Tyler turns into their street and my heart starts hammering again. I need to apologize to her, if I want this plan to work. 

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