Chapter Twenty Two

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Hunter's POV:

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Hunter's POV:

It was clear that I was more than angry. Not because of what happened while Julia was left alone at home, but because I trusted Robbie on his deal. I should have known not to; he is like a second Aiden, probably worse and smarter.

I grab my phone that was thrown on the passenger and dial Julia's number. I was still parked outside Tyler's house. It didn't feel right having Julia angry at me again. She doesn't answer, but I call again. This time she does. "Hunter, please when I say-" I cut her off, "Do you want to go for a ride? I'll tell you what I know." She is quiet for a few seconds, and just when I want to pull away and make sure she is still on the call, she talks. "Fine. Where are you?" I hesitate for a moment but mumble "Outside," And she ends the call.

She comes out the house with a denim jacket wrapped around her. Her face is blank and her eyes still looks lost. Have I made my girl this upset? I feel disappointing in myself. She is here for three days and I already ruined things with her just when I thought I got her back. She opens the passenger door and gets in the car, taking a quick look around.

"It is the car you always wanted," She remarks, her eyes meeting mine. I smile and nod my head, "Yeah, it is." She doesn't answer me for a while and I start the car in the process. "Where are we going?" She asks, leaning back into the seat and I shrug. "We can just drive around while we talk." I pull into the street and start driving, making turns and stopping at the first stop sign.

"What do you know?" I try tho think of telling her the truth, but not the entire truth. "Robbie is apart of Aiden's gang. If Aiden wasn't destined to be the leader, Robbie would have been. He is more powerful mind wise, but Aiden is more powerful money wise." I explain as we pull away, "Recently Robbie decided to grind me in order to get Aiden out of jail. He has another few months to stay, but his little gang is getting impatient. They are getting broke." 

"Robbie stole some of my paperwork I had against them to win my case and arrest all of them. Now I have nothing against them anymore, so he can do what he wants to threaten me and boost the process of getting Aiden out." I take a turn down a quiet street in a neighborhood not far from Tyler's. "He promised to leave you alone, but I could see he was on something." She's staring out the window before she speaks, "But he is arrested? Today? Won't that help you?" I shake my head, "No, I am afraid that made things worse for the both me and him."

"Why?" She asks and I stare at the road at front, "Robbie was the second in demand of some sort. He has contacts that he can alert when plans fails. His plan failed now, miserably, so I can only hope you are left out of this." I take a glance at her, she is still confused. "Amanda is out of jail, she didn't have that much against her other than kidnapping and assault." I explain and I can see the color drain from her face. "He used her in a threat, against you, but I promise Julie, I won't let anything happen to you."

I reach out for her clenched hand in her lap and smile at her, but her eyes widen. "Hunter, watch out!" My eyes snap to the road and I swivel out off the way of the Jeep that is driving on the wrong side of the road. I press the breaks when I see the tree just a few feet away from us and we both lean forward from the force. A few things falls around in my car, but I ignore it and turn to face her.

"Are you okay?" I ask and she nods her head, eyes still wide. "The asshole was driving on the wrong side of the road." I tut as I look out my side mirror, but he already sped off. I can't fucking believe it. "Hunter, it's fine. Maybe it was a tourist." She tries to reason, but it looks like she doesn't even believe herself. I just shake my head and turn my body to her. 

"Here I am trying to keep you out of danger, but I almost killed you now." I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood and she breaks a small smile. "Thank you for telling me what you know. I don't know if I feel better or more scared," She looks down at her hands. "Maybe I shouldn't have came back." I shake my head, tilting her chin with a hooked finger so that she can look at me. "No, I am glad you're back." I whisper and she stares at me. "I missed you..." I lean in and softly kiss her lips, our almost accident forgotten for now.

She pulls my closer by my neck, her kiss becoming more feverishly and I grab her by her hips, pulling her over so that she sits on my lap; her chest leaning against mine. It feels a bit uncomfortable with the steering wheel, so I pull the seat lever to push it backwards. She grins against my lips for a second before kissing me again and my hands travels down her waist, to her hips, to her ass, cupping it.

She groans softly against my lips and I bite her bottom lip gently. I missed her lips, her scent, the feeling of her body against mine. It feels like home. She starts grinding gently against me and I let out a groan, pulling away from the kiss slightly, "You're going to cause trouble." She hums against my lips and pulls away, tucking her hair behind her ear and biting her swollen bottom lip. My eyes meets her again, "How about we go to a place more comfortable?" She raises a brow and I smirk. 

"Okay," She agrees and scrambles of my lap, back to the passenger seat. I start the car as she leans forward, "I stepped on something." She calls out before sitting up straight again. The little black box is in her hand and I feel my heart stutter. Bianca's proposal ring. My stomach churns as her eyes looks at me, questions swimming around again. "A ring?" She asks, as she opens the box and that's when realization crashes over her face. "Oh."

I stop the car again and turn my body to face her, "Julie, it isn't what you think-" She whips her head to face me and I can see her confusion and hurt plastered over her face. "Not what I think?" She asks lowly, "Not what I thi-Hunter, you were going to propose to her!" Her voice raises and I wince. I never liked seeing or hearing her pain, it made me hurt knowing that she can get hurt so easily. "I was, yes." I agree and she turns to look out the window. "Take me home." Her voice cracks.

"What? Julia, let's just-" 
"I said take me home!" She cries, glaring at me with teary eyes. I start the car again with a heavy heart. She doesn't understand. Bianca and I are over. "Can I just tell you at least why?" I whisper and she shakes her head, hugging herself. "No, I think I know." Then why is she hurt?

The rest of the drive is quiet. The pleasureful moment long forgotten, just like the almost-accident. I never had such a confusing day ever since Julia left, and it is just Julia who can cause all that. She is like the calm before the storm, and not long after that she is the storm.

I park the car in front of Tyler's house and Julia gets out, throwing the box on the passenger seat. I get out quickly before she is completely in the house. "Julia, it was before I found out she cheated!" I yell after her, and I don't miss her freeze before she jumps up the steps and enters the house. Not sparing me another glance. 

I get in the car again, leaning my head against the steering wheel and let out a groan. I reach for my phone the second time this night and dial the number I had hoped not to dial in a very long time. She answers on the second ring, "Yes?" Curt, but curious nonetheless. "Bianca, I need your help." I mutter, feeling hopeless. 

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