Chapter Twenty

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Julia's POV:

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Julia's POV:

I ignore the sunlight as I reach for my phone with closed eyes. The blaring needs to stop and I groan as my thumb grazes the cool screen. "Hello?" I answer groggily and I hear a bit of shifting at the other end of the line. "Hello, my sleepy head. Did you forget our plans today?" I sit up, suddenly wide awake as my dad's chuckle follows afterwards.

"I guessed you slept in, it is fine. I am also running a bit late anyway." He sighs deeply. "Maybe you need to make plans with your mother first, then we'll meet up later today?" He sounds lost and disappointing. "It is just, with my new job things gets hard. They are reckless." He mumbles the last part, but I heard him. "It is fine, dad. I will reschedule with mom then." I answer and I hear another sigh of defeat. "I'm sorry, honey." I smile.

"It is really okay, dad. I'll see you later." After we exchange "i love you's", the both of us hang up and I get out of bed. I rake my fingers through my hair and take a glance in the full view mirror. Nothing has changed other than my hair. I still have the same stoic face and my straight shoulders. My eyes are still hiding secrets from this world...

I grab my hair brush and brush out the slight fringe that evolved while I was sleeping. I am barefoot and the white pajama shorts only covers me until mid thigh. My arms are also exposed in the tank top I am wearing. I grab my hair band from the table and tie my hair in a messy bun before heading to my closet. I decide on something simple to wear before grabbing my phone to call my mother.

"Julia? Are you okay?" She seems worried and I feel my shoulders relax. "No-yes, everything is fine, mom. Dad is still stuck at work, so I thought we could do our plans now?" I take another glance at myself in the mirror before turning my back to it. I hate looking to long at myself.

"Oh sweety, that would be great. Will you just wait about an hour for me? I am doing grocery shopping." I nod my head before face palming myself. She can't see you, dumbass. "What was that?" She asks confused and I shake my head, fighting the urge to slap myself again. "Nothing, I'll see you later mom." And we exchange "I love you's" too.

I head down the stairs and it feels strange to have this silence. My eyes catches a note on the fridge and I head towards it. I grab it from the magnet and read through it quickly:
Julie, you were sleeping so peaceful, I just couldn't disturb you. We went out for the last changes of our wedding, I'll see you soon.
I smile for the fact that she still writes notes and turn around, only to stop in my dead tracks.

A guy is staring at me through one of the big windows of the kitchen. When he sees that I have spotted him, a grin spreads over his face. If this was night time, I would be screaming, but just because the sun is shining doesn't mean I am not scared. I stay still, my eyes never straying from him. He is the first to move and I watch him walking to the side of the house.

The first thing I do is to grab my phone from my pocket and head in the opposite direction of the guy. My heart is slamming against my rib cage as I open the large cupboard door and get in. The broom and other cleaning essentials is just behind me. I dial Stephanie's number, but it goes straight to voicemail. I curse softly before dialing Tyler's, but he doesn't pick up. My heart is still racing and my ears are picking up on any sound.

The only other thing that is showing that I am scared is my shaking. which annoys me since I am trying to type. I dial the last person's number and he picks up on the second ring. "Hey?" He sounds confused and I would understand why. "Hunter," I whisper, my ears still listening, "There was a guy watching me outside Steph's house. I-I don't think I know him." I whisper and a slight stutter forms in my words. That's when I hear something.

"I think he is inside the house now.|" I whisper and I hear a car door on the other end of the call. "Don't hang up, Julia. I want you to scream if something happens. Just keep breathing and stay hidden." He sounds nervous and I feel my shaking picking up. "Hurry up." I whisper and I hear slight footsteps. That's when I decide to hold my breath.

"Goddammit, Julia, breath!" Hunter yells at the other side and I release my breath again, trying to breath softer, but I feel too loud in my own head. The footsteps stop and I hear a tut. "Where did you run off to, lil' princess?" A shiver runs down my spine. He sounds so close. What if he knows I am in the cupboard? And he is staring right at it?

I reach behind me for the broom, as a defense weapon, and Hunter's voice cracks through the speaker. "I am almost there." I hear the footsteps again and I feel tension between my shoulders. Please, please don't open the cupboard. Hunter's breathing is at the other end, it calms me slightly knowing he is on his way.

The calmness is gone when the cupboard swings open and I meet the same grin from the window. A scream echos through the house and I swing the broom, hitting him between the legs fist then the face. "Julia?!" I can hear Hunter's cry from the phone, but it slips from my hand as I stare at the guy huddled on the floor.

"Fucking bitch." He mutters and he tries to get up again, but I grab the nearest object again, this time a pan that was laying near the sink and bang him over the head. Hard. To my surprise he collapsed on the floor and my shaking returns. Did I kill him?

I scramble for my phone, "I am fine." I breath out and just then the front door flies open and Hunter rushes in. He stops dead in his tracks as he takes in the sight. "I think I killed him." And the first tears slips down my cheeks as Hunter hurriedly makes his way to me and embraces me.

Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

I am back. We had a safe trip and things are fine, only I am starting with exams next week.
If this chapter seems off, I am so sorry. I have a lot of stress and things just doesn't get better this year. Other than that, I tried to add some drama/mystery and fun to this chapter. Hope it was still good to read.

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