Chapter Fourteen

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Julia's POV:

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Julia's POV:

"So that is what they had needed to tell me?" I ask Stephanie as I stare at the wall at the other side of the room. "Yes. I am sorry that Melody spilled it like that." She frowns and I shrug. "It's fine. We're not together or anything, so it isn't that big of a deal." I frown as I stare out in front of me. "I just wish Bianca still talked to me afterwards." I look down at the bed sheets and sigh heavily. "It feels like I lost a friend." 

"You didn't lose anyone." Stephanie smiles as she presses my shoulder lightly. "Hunter came to talk to Tyler yesterday. Apparently there is a bit of trouble in paradise." I raise a brow and she rolls her eyes. "I don't really want to gossip about their love life problems." I shrug, "And I am very sorry for ruining the dress day." She smiles kindly at me before hugging me. "You didn't ruin anything." I hug her back.  

"I am going to put Gabby to bed, sleep tight." She smiles before she leaves my room. I lean back against my headboard and unlock my phone. There is fifteen messages from Justin. I open them and instant regret forms in the pit of my stomach.
Justin: If you're seeing someone, couldn't you just have told me?
Justin: 1 attachment
Justin: See that. That's what you do to me.

I swallow down the bile that has risen in my throat and turn off my phone. What the actual...why would he send me a picture of his...

I stand up and head to the bathroom to wash my face, hoping to rid myself off the image I have just seen. While there I decide to brush my teeth since I haven't after dinner. When the picture is still clear in my head, I decide to go talk to Stephanie with the hope it will help. I check the time first, it is pass 9 p.m.

I head out my door and down the hall to Gabby's room. A soft lullaby is playing in her room. "It keeps her asleep." I jump slightly at Stephanie's voice from behind me and turn to face her. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Why are you still up?" She is towel drying her hair and her body is wrapped in robe. "I-a friend of mine, he-" I stutter for words and she frowns, "He sent me a very nasty picture." I finally utter out with wide eyes and a disgusted face. Stephanie coughs on a laugh and grabs my hand to pull me away from Gabby's room.

"How old is this friend of yours?" I shrug at her question, "My age? I don't know, but he is getting really creepy. I accepted one date with him and now he is totally aggressive towards me." She raises her brows, "Aggressive as in?" I shake my head. "I don't know. Like he owns me? I can't even leave my phone on without him spamming me to ask me if I am seeing someone." She shakes her head in disbelief. "Who is this guy?"

The door bell rings downstairs and she just keeps on staring at me, "Aren't you going to get that?" I ask and she waves her hand dismissively, "Tyler will, who is the guy?" She repeats herself and I sigh. "Some guy in Australia. Justin is his name-" Glass crashing to the floor stopped my sentence and we both got startled. "What the-" Stephanie starts making her way downstairs when we hear cussing and I am close behind her.

"I am sooo sorryy man," A very familiar voice slurs on his words. "Stephy!" I round the corner after Stephanie and my eyes meet Hunter's. He is drunk. I notice that by the way he is standing and the broken bottle on the floor. Also by his words, and the redness in his eyes. "Will you keep it the fuck down, Hunter?" Tyler cusses as he picks up large pieces of glass and Stephanie grabs a broom from the kitchen. "We have a child sleeping here." He glares at him and Hunter places his finger on his lips, making a shush sound, but his eyes never leaves me.

"How are you, Juliee?" He slurs as he takes a step closer to me, but Tyler grabs his arm. "Listen, Hunter, you're drunk. It is not a good time." He is being serious, but Hunter doesn't seem phased. "So, what?" He asks, "I can't talk to my Julie?" Tyler raises a brow at him and quickly looks my way before looking at Hunter again. "Ty, it's fine." I assure him and walk closer to Hunter. I can smell the alcohol on him.

My dad is the person who comes to mind when I smell alcohol.

I take him in. His messy hair, his messy clothes and when I look down at his hands I grab them. His knuckles has dried blood on them. "What did you do to yourself, Hunter?" I ask lowly and he smiles. "Did I tell you that I missed you?" He asks and I can see that he is having trouble keeping his body upright. He leans slightly forward before going backwards again. "You look beautiful with blonde hair, but I prefer your brown hair." I just stare at him, letting go of his hand.

"Hunter, you need to get cleaned up." Stephanie speaks up after she threw away the broken pieces. "Honey, will you get him some clean clothes? I can't stand the smell of him." She sighs as she makes her way to his side. I decide to go to his other side and wrap his arm around my shoulder, my arm wrapping around his waist along with Steph's arm. "Take him to the downstairs bedroom. I'll run him a bath, will you fix his knuckles and make sure there isn't any infections?" She asks politely, and the look she gives me tells me that I can say "no" anytime. "I will." I nod my head and I feel Hunter's body getting a bit heavier. 

"He is getting tired." She mutters. "Goddammit, Hunter never got himself drunk." She groans out as I reach for the bathroom light switch. Light floods the bathroom and I push him towards the closed toilet seat so that he can sit down. I open the cabinet under the sink and grab the Aid Kit. I hear the water running behind me and Stephanie lets out another sigh. "I need to fetch him towel, I will be right back." I just nod my head as I start to dab at his wounds.

He lets out a groan and hiss, before leaning his head back. "The world needs to stop fucking spinning." He groans out and I smile slightly. "I never thought you could get drunk." I murmur, "You usually took care of me when we drank alcohol." I shrug slightly and I can feel his gaze on me. "How the tables have turned." I whisper and throw the cotton ball away. His knuckles is only slightly busted, not too much to be worried about.

I turn around to close the taps. "I am serious, Julie." I hear him speak up. "I really did miss you." I lean against the tub to feel the water. It feels warm enough not to burn him. "Then why didn't you make an effort to talk to me?" I ask him when I turn to face him. He is leaning with his elbows on his knees. "I wasn't even sure if you wanted to talk to me." He slurs again and throws his head forward. "You left me." I can hear a sniff and my heart breaks.

Am I the reason he is drunk?

Stephanie walks in with a towel and fresh clothes, Tyler not far behind her. "What did she do that caused you to drink, Hunter?" Tyler asks and I can hear the anger and care in his words mixed together. He looks at me, "Will you ladies give us privacy? I need to undress him in order to put him in the bath." Stephanie isn't hesitant to leave, but I wanted an answer as well. What did Bianca do?

"Nothing I haven't seen before." I shrug and Tyler lifts a brow. I don't miss Hunter's smirk. "Do you want to bathe me, Julie?" He asks and I stand up and leave the bathroom. I am not sure how I feel about drunk-Hunter, but I am very curious to know what caused him to get drunk. Who did he punch?

The door closes behind me and all I can hear is muffled talking behind it.

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