Chapter Eighteen

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Julia's POV:

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Julia's POV:

When I woke up the space next to me was empty and cold. 

I was, at first, very upset. I thought he just left, but when I heard muffled speaking in his room when I left mine, I felt relief. Now we are both in the kitchen searching through cupboards and drawers for different essentials to use to make breakfast.

"How about scrambled eggs?" He asks as he pulls out the eggs from a cupboard and I raise my brow. "Just scrambled eggs?" I ask and he looks around the kitchen before pointing to the bread bin. "With toast?" He frowns as he gently places the eggs on the counter and head to the fridge. "I think we need some bacon too."

"Have you ever been in their kitchen before?" I ask and he pops his head out of the fridge to look at me. "No." He answers sheepishly and I laugh. "They lived with me for two years in high school and basically knew my house from back to front, but I don't even know where half their things are in their own house." He says out loud as he carries on searching the fridge. "I don't think they have baco- Oh! Found it." He lifts it up in the air as if it is some kind of prize he has won.

I walk over to the stove and turn it on, grabbing a frying pan that is hanging on a hook just above the stove. "Now, where do they hide their pans?" I hear him mumble from behind and I burst out laughing again. "What?" He asks and I turn to face him, pointing to the frying pan that is already starting to heat up. His frown falls from his face and his lips from an "o". I just shake my head and reach for the eggs and bacon.

"Will you make the toast?" I ask him and he nods, a smile on his face as he watches me work. It didn't take us long and I guess we were too loud because after we pretty much finished the family of three made themselves known to us in the kitchen.

"What do we have here?" Stephanie smiles, but I don't miss the questioning in her eyes. "Breakfast." Hunter responds with a shrug and opens his arms for Gabby. She doesn't hesitate to throw her little body into his arms and he hugs her. She grins up at him. "I want egg." She says and points to the eggs that is scrambled in a little pink bowl that I took a wild guess was hers. "Yes, it is your eggs." Hunter says and hands her back to Stephanie who puts her in her high chair.

"I was not expecting to see you two cooking in the kitchen." Tyler says as he grabs a toast from a plate and takes a bite. "I was hungry." I shrug and he raises a brow. "Of course, Julia can't go without food." I roll my eyes at him and Stephanie makes her way around the counters and start grabbing plates from one of the cupboards. "Let's eat." She smiles and once again, I catch her questioning gaze.

We are all seated around the round dining table they have in their kitchen and the only sound is the clinking of our forks against our plates. "So, Ty.." Stephanie speaks up and I can hear the uneasiness in her voice. "I decided that we can host the wedding at my parents's house." He stops a bite mid air and a deep frown cascades over his face. "Wha-why?" He turns to face her and he looks genuinely confuse. She takes a bite and a sip of the orange juice before answering.

"Two reasons," She starts and pushes her hands into her lap, "One, Gabby has the right to meet her grandparents." Tyler puts his fork on his plate and turns his body to face hers, "Did they tell you that?" She brings her palm up to quiet him, "And second, we haven't gotten a cheaper idea." He stares at her. "Money wise we are fine, Steph. I can easily afford a venue." I watch them as an argument unfolds between the two of them. "But Gabby is allowed to meet them." Steph argues and he glares at her. "They didn't want to get to know her or see her when she was younger, why now all of a sudden?" I can see he isn't happy with this, but I don't dare say a word.

"Let's talk about this later." Stephanie says, defeated, and picks up her fork to carry on eating. "No, you wanted to talk about this now, so let's talk." I just carry on eating, pretending that the way they are handling this isn't childish. "Tyler, I would prefer if we talked about this on a calmer note than now." Stephanie points out, not looking at him. "I am calm." He says, still not touching his food. She turns to face him and I can see the sadness lurking in her eyes. "I miss them." She says curtly. "Okay? I miss my parents and I would do anything right about now just to have them at least at my wedding." Tyler's eyes soften and he turns to face his food.

"Okay." He whispers and she stares at him for a few seconds before also starting to eat again. I feel very awkward. I grab my plate and smile kindly, "Please excuse me." And I get up to rinse my plate and leave the kitchen. I hear a bit of muffled speaking, a chair scooting out, water running and soon footsteps behind me. "That was a bit uncomfortable." Hunter says from next to me and I nod my head in agreement.

We walk to the back door in silence and I push the door open. The fresh air of spring blows through my hair and the sun shines through the dim room. I step out on the porch, still in my pajamas, and Hunter joins me on the porch. "You are awfully quiet." He remarks and I turn to face him. "I just have a lot on my mind. Steph seems stressed out about the wedding." I shrug and he watches me. "Something else is bothering you." He states and I face him. How is it that he could still read me like an open book?

"I met this guy in Australia." His entire posture and expression changes when I say that, but I pretend not to notice. "I told him multiple times that I am not interested in a relationship, but he still pushed. We started hooking up, after he tried to date me again, and before I left Australia I told him off again." I can see the mixed feelings that he is feeling right now on his face. "I feel like I have used him." I state honestly and he tilts his head. "You didn't use him if he wanted it too." Hunter shrugs and I turn to face him.

"Aiden used me when I also wanted him." I state bluntly and Hunter's face falls again. "No, Jules." He looks at my entire face. "No, you are not like Aiden." He says firmly and I shrug, "Sure feels like it." Hunter keeps quiet for a few moments before speaking again. "Are you guys still, uh, talking?" I stare out at the light blue sky that is dotted with white clouds and shrug. "I don't talk to him, but he sends me text messages and things. I don't always reply."

"What "things" exactly?" Hunter asks and I face him. "Does it really matter? You don't see me questioning your love life with Bianca." I mutter bitterly and this time he stays quiet for longer. I feel bad for saying it, but it does bother me. They could have told me instead of avoiding me for three years. For three years they have been dating behind my back and here I thought I did something bad.

Instead they just felt guilty for dating each other. I wrap my arms around myself and Hunter notices, before he sighs. "Bianca and I.." I raise a brow as he fails to complete his sentence. "I don't know really. I thought we had something special, but I guess I thought wrong." He shrugs and I nod my head. "Come on." He grabs my hand and pulls me along with him down the porch and onto the grass that is coated with the spring's dew from the night before.

"My feet!" I exclaim as they soak up the cold dew. "It is freezing!" I laugh slightly and he peeks down at our feet. Some of the grass strands clings to our feet and before I could comprehend what is happening he pushes me down along with him to the grass. I let out a small squeal when my shirt gets cold with the wet feeling. "Hunter!" I yell as he starts giving me a tickle fit and I try to stop him. He stops eventually and lands next to me on the grass. We both stare up at the clouds.

"I don't feel that guilty anymore." He utters truthfully and I turn my head to look at him. "About?" I ask lowly and he looks at me too. "About Bianca and I." I blush when I realize what he means by that and I look back at the clouds. "Yeah, I don't feel that guilty anymore either." 

Something Other Than Secrets (Sequel to My "Little" Secret is Out) COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now