Chapter Twenty Nine

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Julia's POV:

"Excuse me?"

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"Excuse me?"

My eyes are narrowed as I glare at the two men in front of me. I hope this is just some joke, because they sound outrages! 

"You want me to put myself in harm's way, just to get rid of someone because you couldn't do your job right?" I ask, shoving my hand towards Hunter. He grimaces at the way I state it, but that is how I see it. "You should have focused more on your job than a relationship that was a complete fuck up." My anger from earlier is boiling and Stephanie steps forward.

The peace maker.

"Julia, that;s not necessary." I turn to face her and I see Bianca behind her. Her face shows pain, but I don't feel any guilt. 

"Tough shit." I shrug and shove past Hunter to head to the stairs, but he grabs my arm. I fave him. my anger not subduing, "Grab me again, and I will break your fucking nose."

"Then do it, maybe I do deserve it after everything I have done to you." My face falls. "But please, Jules. Tyler, Steph, Gabby and everyone is in danger because of one psycho that clearly doesn't understand boundaries." I didn't even notice that he had pulled me closer towards him. "I promise, I really do, that you will not get hurt; and if you do, I will never forgive myself." His eyes looks sincere.

I look away from them, and I feel my stomach turn and twist. Why is he so bipolar? Was he always like this?

"I-" My eyes meets his again and I feel myself wanting to hug him, to feel safe again, but I leave it. "Okay." My shoulders sag and I nod my head. "Fine, I'll contact him and tell him to meet me somewhere, but!" I pull away from his grip, "I will only do it once back up is already there and hiding, because I refuse to be in danger." He nods his head and a small smile forms.

"I promised, didn't I?"

I don't answer him and turn away from him to head upstairs. I hear footsteps following and Stephanie joins me in my room. "I am so sorry that they had put you in the spot like that." I can see that this is exhausting to her. She's a mother now and her wedding party was a fuck up. Now this as well, I would be exhausted too. I pull her into a hug, not feeling as safe as I do in Hunter's arms, but appreciating the feeling.

I pull out my phone and I dial my mother's number. She answers on the second ring, sounding very happy. 

"Hi baby, are you okay?" I smile at her motherly feeling when she sense that something's off, but I lie to her. I can't let her worry about me. "Hi momma, I'm fine. I just wanted to call you. I will see you before I fly back and I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much." She says it back, and I feel my heart get a little lighter. I needed my mom's voice to calm me a little bit, even though she was part of my thunder storm in high school.

Stephanie hugs me again after the call with my mother and she sighs. "You will be safe, Jules. We won't let him harm you, and you know that." I nod my head, but something terrible still feels off. What if it doesn't go as plan?

Something Other Than Secrets (Sequel to My "Little" Secret is Out) COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now