Chapter Twenty Five

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Julia's POV:

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Julia's POV:

It isn't Jason who fired.

I don't know who the bulky man is, but he seems very intimidating and it scares me. Mostly because he is staring right at me with a very "I-will-kill-you" look and that would make me shit my pants if I weren't this hyper. "Who's that?" Hunter speaks and I shake my head slowly, "No fucking idea." The bulky man smirks and I glare back at him. "But he will pay for ruining my best friend's wedding." I spit out bitterly. I start heading towards him, but someone pulls me back.

"Hold up, little tiger," My glare meets Hunter's face, and I can feel my heart soften a bit. "How sure are you that he won't shoot you with that gun?" Instead of answering him, or he waiting for an answer, he pulls out his phone and turns away from the guy's gaze, before dialing a number and pressing call. He mutters a few words over the phone, then puts it away. 

"Aiden hasn't had any visitors in three weeks." Hunter informs me, a protective hand over my elbow. "Which means this could be him, after a lot of planning, or it couldn't." He brushes his fingers through his hair, and a loud chuckle captures my attention. "Not so much of a cop now, is he?" My heart sinks a little when I look at Justin. I suspected him, but seeing him and suspecting him is two different things.

"Justin?" I ask, uncertain for myself, "You know him?" Hunter's questioning comes through my jumbled thoughts as does Justin's small, "Yes?" I feel my head spinning and grab unto Hunter's shoulder, trying to steady myself. I am not completely with myself and my mind seems to drift off for a second before coming back to reality. I feel hot breath fanning my neck and Hunter's voice is hushed in my ear, "Julia, are you feeling alright?" I think I shook my head "no", but I am not sure myself.

"Didn't Angie teach you anything, Julia?" Justin's voice sounds so far away, "Never put your drink down." Realization dawned on me and I know Hunter snapped as well. Another voice joined the conversation, but this voice was yelling and I heard shots again. I feel myself getting lifted and Hunter's face looks worried as he peeked down at me. "Don't worry, we'll get that out of you before it makes you completely sick." My eyes shut and I couldn't hear anything else.

" My eyes shut and I couldn't hear anything else

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Hunter's POV: 

Bianca and Ivan were there in a few minutes, right before Julia passed out. They were guarded with guns and had back up, but the Justin-guy got away. The bulky man dropped his gun and lifted his arms above his head. He surrendered too easy, giving me the suspicion that there is another plan, or the same one, just planned through. 

"I'm going to ask you this once, and don't lie." I grit out, the guy calmly seated in front off me. "Why did you ruin a wedding?" He smiles casually, "The wedding was over." He answers with a shrug and I grit my teeth. "Do you realize how many people were in danger?!" I yell and the guy shrugs again. "We made sure no one was harmed."

He reminds me off a teenager. A brat. 

"And Julia?" I ask lowly and the guy's smile falls. Gotcha. "Justin spiked her drink, I didn't know off that. I only had to get the guests out." I stand up straight and straiten the button down shirt. "What is there more that I should know?" I urge and the guy looks behind me, straight at the mirror. "I can't tell you a lot, but clearly your girlfriend had upset the wrong people. I was just hired." I squint my eyes at him and he sighs. "I have a lawyer coming in tomorrow, you'll see." 

The guy is too calm for someone going to jail, clearly this isn't new to him. Who did Julia upset? Who is Justin really? An ex lover? What is it with Julia and the insane guys? 

I rub the bridge of my nose and let out a breath. "You'll be held custody until your lawyer arrives, until then, I want as much answers as possible." I state clearly and the guy sighs again. "I signed paperwork that agrees I won't speak out of term. I'm sorry, but I am not about to risk my life for this shit." I slam my hands down on the table. "Then why the fuck get yourself in this shit?!" I yell and the guy doesn't even flinch. "It's my job."

"Bullshit." I grit out and he stares at me. "Tell me then who will give me the answers that I want." I ask, defeated and torn not knowing what Julia has gotten herself into now. "The guy that ran off, Justin." He answers and I nod. I should have known. I turn around to walk away, but the guy speaks up again. "Good luck finding him, he's a slippery man." I turn to face him with a raised brow and the guy shrugs again.

"He's wanted in more states than this one, changed his name every time." I turn around to face the guy completely, "What else do you know?" The man looks at me, and I swear I can see guilt in them. "Your girlfriend got herself in a messy situation, that's all." The guy murmurs and I sigh.

Again, Julia? A-fucking-gain.

I walk out the door and the moment I am outside, my phone rings. 

I answer it, after seeing Tyler's name. "She's awake." Is all he says and I hang up, rushing to my car. Time to get fucking answers.

 Time to get fucking answers

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Sorry for the late chapter.

It's hectic right now over here in my life. I got a lot to do, so please be patient. And thank you for being patient and showing so much love. I love you guys for that. xxx

Something Other Than Secrets (Sequel to My "Little" Secret is Out) COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now