Chapter Seventeen

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Hunter's POV:

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Hunter's POV:

The first thing I see is a sleeping Julia. I remember very little of last night, but I do remember climbing into this bed with her because I wanted to hold her. I push my arm under my head and lay on my side, facing her peaceful face. Her beautiful lips are partly slightly and her lashes rests on her cheek bones. Her hair surrounds her head like a golden halo and her chest rises and falls with every calming breath.

She is still as beautiful as she has ever been, maybe even more. 

I sit up and swing my legs off the bed. I need to get out of here before the others start questioning me and the last thing I need is Stephanie down my throat because of me sleeping here. I stand up from the bed and take one last look at Julia before exiting the room. Someone clears their throat behind me and I freeze on my spot.

I slowly turn around to face a very curious Tyler. He raises a brow at me and my eyes drops to the two coffee mugs in his hands. He made coffee for him and Steph, of course he would be up and bump into me. I should have stayed in bed for fifteen more minutes. I feel so stupid. "What were you doing in Julia's room?" He asks lowly and I thank him for being so quiet about it.

"Not what you think." I whisper back and he raises both his brows. "And what is it that I am thinking?" I throw a glare his way and push slightly pass him, but he doesn't allow me as he takes a side step in front of me. "I-we-uh," I take deep breath to calm my nerves down, "We didn't sleep together in the way you think. I didn't use her." I watch him as he nods his head. "Good, you weren't yourself yesterday." He states.

I watch his back as he walks off to his room and I make my way to the room I was suppose to stay in. I head to the bedside where my phone is and unlock it. It is on 30% and I have three messages and nine missed calls. All from Bianca. I open the only voice message that was left and her voice cracks through my speaker.

"Hunter, I know you are very pissed off right now, but you had no right to hit Ivan and storm off like a child." I can hear she is pretty annoyed with me, "And I can't believe you would send me something like you did." And with that the voice message stopped. I frown.

What did I send her?

I enter her chat and scroll past the few messages. I can feel the world stop spinning for a second when I see the picture I have sent her. The dark hair girl is seated on my lap and we are making out. I am groping her ass and her dress has risen so far up that you can almost see where I am groping. I have no idea who took this photo or who this girl is and to make matters worst, I don't recognize the place. 

It doesn't look like the bar I went to last night after beating Ivan up. I zoom in on the picture to look at any clues and my eye catches a picture, no, a poster on the wall by my  head. I have seen that poster before, but where exactly? 

My phone starts ringing and an unknown caller ID flashes on my screen. I hesitate before answering. "Hello?" The confusion is evident in my voice and raspy breathing could be heard on the other side. "Did you have fun making out with my sister and making yourself look like a complete fool at my place?" My heart beat increases when I hear Robbie's voice at the other end of the call. "Your place?" I ask dumbfounded and a laugh booms through the speakers.

"Yes, Cop." He snarls, "My place. I met you at a local bar and you looked pretty fucked." I can hear the amusement in his voice. "You weren't very secretive with your lost love life and my sister wanted to make you feel better by telling her friends to take a picture of you two to send to your lady." I hear him taking a deep breath in and releasing it after a few seconds. He is smoking.

"You weren't really that into her, were you? You left afterwards. I am shocked to know you actually answered the phone. With how fucked you were I would have thought you got in a car crash." He goes quiet for a second. "Pity really." I can feel the anger rising in my chest. "Fuck you, man." I snarl and I hear another laugh. "Sorry, I'm not that desperate." I clench my hands into fists and try to calm my breathing. "What do you want?" I ask lowly and the line goes quiet again. "Remember how I said I will make you pay for arresting my guys?" I clench my teeth. Is this his way of doing it? "If you don't get them out by the end of this month, I will show Julia far worse than I have shown Bianca." 

"Amanda is already out of jail, lover boy." I can hear the threat before he said it, "And she wants revenge as much as I do." I look at the door before turning my head back to the phone. "Leave Julia out of this. That was the entire goddamn reason why she left in the first place."

"Do what I ask, and precious Julia will be left untouched." I can see his pathetic grin even if he isn't in front of me. "It won't be that easy." I force out and I can hear him sigh. "I know, that is why I am giving you time." And with that he hangs up. I am rigid with anger. How dare he.

A soft knock echos through my bedroom and I turn around to face the door, throwing the phone onto the bed. "Come in." Julia pops her head inside and gives me a shy grin. "Do you maybe want something to drink?" I find myself smiling at her even after this phone call I have just had. "I'll come help with breakfast." I offer as I grab a T-shirt and head out the room, touching her waist and pecking her cheek when I pass her. 

I didn't miss that smile she had on her face when I pecked her cheek. I try to keep minimum contact that involves kissing and grabbing. I don't want to chase her away again. She follows me to the kitchen. 

Something Other Than Secrets (Sequel to My "Little" Secret is Out) COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now