Chapter Nineteen

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Hunter's POV:

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Hunter's POV:

I get out my car and move the sunglasses into my hair. The sun is warm today, but not entirely hot. I lock my car and head to the building where I have been working at for the past three years.

I was having an internal battle this morning about going to work or just skipping. I'm not sure how if I want to work with Bianca today or see Ivan's busted face. After the picture that has been sent to her, I feel even more guilty about seeing her.

I open the doors and my eyes meets Dianne's from across the room. The look on her face does not mean good news. She gestures for me to get closer and I do as she asks since I don't want any trouble this early in the morning after my fun day with Julia yesterday.

"What exactly did you this weekend?" She asks lowly when I stop infront of her desk. "What do you mean?" I ask and raise a brow at her, even though her face is completely serious. "Hunter, don't play games with me." I can hear the impatience in her voice. "Ivan gets here with a busted face, Bianca called in sick and then to top it all off your office has been ran sacked." I stare at her for a few seconds.

"What?" I take a step back in complete confusion. "My office?" I ask and she nods curtly. "Yes. Mr Hansen is not very impressed with this. Someone broke in last night, but they didn't touch anything else other than your office." The confusion just grows bigger in my head and I head down the hall in a fast pace to get to my office.

As soon as I enter it my breath hitches in my throat. Every single paper work I have is spread throughout the entire room. I run up to my desk and open the thrid drawer, but my heart sinks. The papers that had everything against Aiden's gang is missing. I immediately start scrambling on the floor. Maybe they just crashed the place.

I grab every paper to look at it, but after a few minutes I still haven't found anything about his gang. They took it.

"Hunter." I look up at Mr Hansen and he looks around my office. "Do you have any reasons why someone would do this only to your office?" I get up to my feet and shake my head in disbelief. "No, but they only took.." He stops me with a flat palm in the air. "I don't care what they took, but what have you and Officer Charles got on each other?"

I can't believe him. He thinks Ivan did this. It is clear that Ivan couldn't have. Ivan doesn't even know that the paper work against Aiden's gang is important to me.

Unless Bianca has something to do with this. I stare out in front of me in realization. Of course Bianca would mess with me after the picture.

"Hunter?" I look up at Mr Hansen and shake my head. "No, we don't have anything against each other." He nods his head curtly and I rush to the phone on my desk and dial Bianca's number. After the second ring she answers.

"Why are you calling me, Hunter?" Her annoyed voice echoes through the speaker. "Have you told Ivan about Aiden?" I ask lowly into the phone and the line is quiet before she sighs through it. "Why would I? I know you were mad and did things out of anger, but I won't do that." Yet you will cheat on me and get pregnant. "Someone stole the paper work from my office." I murmur and I hear a buzzing noise as I focus onto something just behind a scattered paper on my desk. It is after a few seconds I realize that the buzzing noise is Bianca talking to me. "I'll talk to you later." I mutter and hang up, not bothering to listen to what she was saying as I take a closer look.

"You promised." Is written on a sticky note and pasted to my desk's top. I stare at it, and the smiley face drawn next to it pisses me off. Fucking Robbie. I grab my car keys and head out the office, passing Ivan on the way out as he gives me a dirty look. I don't spare another glance at his bruised face and head right out.

"Hunter." I turn my head to Dianne who is smoking a cigarette just outside the door. "Where are you going?" She blows out a smoke bubble and I raise my brow at her. "When do you care?" She rolls her eyes and steps closer to me, looking around before speaking. "Since Chief told me to keep an eye on you. So just tell me." I stare at her for a few seconds, the smell of the cigarette intoxicating. "I am just going for a ride to clear my head before I punch a hole in the wall."

Only, I'll be punching a hole into someone's face.

I was so close to crack that case about Aiden's gang, more commonly known around here as Wayne's gang, but since Wayne had handed it down to his pathetic son the case got closed. That gang had caused so much wreckage to this forsaken town and somehow they always got away with it. I decided to do some digging as to why it is so. Now all my goddamn paperwork is gone with it.

"Just," She steps closer, grabbing my attention again as she pulls my shirt straight, "Don't do anything stupid, hun." I frown at her flirtation and brush it off, heading down the steps as I think of ways to "talk" to Robbie without getting myself in the dirt along with him. I get in my car and that's when my phone rings. I grab it and without looking at the caller ID I answer.

"Hunter, my man." I clench my teeth when I hear Robbie's voice. "You aren't backing out of our promise now, are you?" I look around me, trying to see anything suspicious. "No, but I might after you messed with my work." I grit out and I hear a low laugh. "I am not about to allow you to get us all in jail. Tell you what, if you leave my gang alone, forget about this case you've been trying to solve and get Aiden out of jail," He inhales and exhales, "I will leave your precious Julia alone and get you a better job in Australia, also in the law enforcement, and you can be happy with her."

"Isn't that what you want?" I can just picture his smile and I look around me one more time. "I can't get Aiden out just like that." I mutter out and he laughs. "Sure you can! Just look a little deeper. Aiden has a lot of money his daddy left him. Bust him out." Before I can answer, he hangs up and I punch the steering wheel. 

How the fuck did things get so messed up?

How the fuck did things get so messed up?

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Author's note:

Heyy readers!
I have a bit of bad news. I am going for a long trip to visit some family members, something personal came up, so I will not be publishing that frequently this weekend. I will make it up to you next week and see how much I can get done before my exams.

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