Chapter Sixteen

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Julia's POV:

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Julia's POV:

I lead Hunter up to his room and open the door. "You will be sleeping here." I mumble, my lips still tingling from the kiss we share minutes ago. "Can't I sleep with you?" He pouts and I shake my head. "No, Hunter. You have a girlfriend." I point out and his face falls. "I-" He looks away from me. "Good night, Julia." He suddenly sounds sober. "Wait, Hunter." I grab his arm and I could swear I felt sparks. "I didn't mean to upset you." I mumble.

He just stares at me before pulling me into an embrace. "You didn't." He says as he leans his head on top of mine. "I just wish I wasn't so naive to trust her again." I can hear the pain in his voice and my heart breaks for him. Bianca had cheated on him before, when they dated back then, so I can understand the pain and disappointment he must be feeling now. "It isn't your fault." I whisper and he pulls away from me.

"It doesn't need to be my fault to break me, now does it?" His eyes looks into mine and I can feel the love I have for him overflowing my heart. Why did I leave him here to hurt himself? "I am sorry." I mumble and look down at my feet. I feel warmth on my cheek and look back at him as he pulls away from me. He just kissed my cheek.

"Good night, princess." I smile at his smile. "Don't call me princess." I mock softly and his smile turns to a grin before he shuts the door and leaves me standing in the hallway smiling like a fool. I turn to go back to my room and when I enter it I look at the clock on the wall. It is almost 11 p.m. I need to get some sleep, but when I climb in the bed I find myself staring at the ceiling instead. Here it comes, the late night thinking about him with a stupid smile on my face as I feel admiration blooming in my heart. 

Who would have thought that after three years I would still smile like an idiot when I talk to him and stay up at night because of him?

I feel like a high school girl all over again. I turn on my side and find myself staring at the wall instead. Why would Bianca cheat on him again? I broke things off between us when I left because I was afraid that Hunter would have trouble committing to me while I am so far away. I was afraid that he would put his entire life on hold for me, and that wasn't what I wanted for him. He didn't let me stop him at all.

He got his dream job and his dream car. He moved on after me...or did he? I frown at the wall. Did he move on? After tonight I find that I myself haven't moved on from him. I am still madly in love with the guy who stole my fries. He seemed to want me just as much as I want him, tonight. He even begged me to get in the tub with him.

But what if it is just sexual tension?

I shake my head and turn on my other side, staring at the other wall. I don't want "what if's". I've had them for such a long time. I hear my door creaking open...

 I hear my door creaking open

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Hunter's POV:

I stare at the ceiling, my arms behind my head with a grin on my face. My cheeks are hurting from smiling this hard. I kissed Julia, and she kissed me back. I feel like a fourteen year old who just had his first kiss.

It is just Julia who can make me feel this stupid.

Not even Bianca had me grinning this hard pass eleven at night. She didn't even make me feel this giddy. She was just a replacement for the empty void in my life when Julia left. My grin falls from my face. Julia might leave again. Why did everything that felt so right, had to go wrong when she came back?

I frown as I think about the things I found out. I trusted Bianca. Again. She promised that she won't hurt me again or like Julia had. Odd enough, I don't find myself hurting anymore. I feel mad and disappointed, but not hurt. I feel ashamed at myself for trusting Bianca all over again when there was more than enough proof why I could only trust her as a friend. Bianca was never one to commit to a person and it sucks to think that I was willing to commit to her.

For the rest of my life.

My mind wanders back to Julia who is so close to me now. She isn't in another continent anymore. She is right here, under the same roof as I am. She is just a few doors away. She kissed me and I could see that I distracted her when I was shirtless. She can deny it all she wants, but she wants me. Just like I want her. 

She looks good. Healthy. She looks even better than she did when she left. She looks more vibrant and more alive, like she finally found her happiness other than me. I feel my heart sink when I think about another guy holding her in his arms. I didn't even ask if she was seeing someone. I don't even know if I wanted to ask. It would explain why she was so nervous around me.

But, she kissed me back.

I know Julia. If she was seeing someone else she wouldn't have been that willing to kiss me. I sit up straight and throw the blanket off my legs, the cold air nipping my naked legs. I need to see her. I head out the room and to the room I believe is hers, if I know this house correct.

I open her door and I see her body sitting up right. My heart feels lighter knowing she is still awake. "Hunter?" I shush her as I close the door and get in the bed at the other side of her. "Keep it quiet, the other people are sleeping." I whisper as I lay down and face her. She lays down as well, facing me back. "What are you doing here?" She whispers and I smile at her. I can see her smiling back at me.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you." I whisper after a few seconds of silence and I hear a small giggle. "I couldn't stop thinking about you either." I huff an air of relief and she giggles again. "It sounds so cheesy, but it is true." I huff a laugh and scoot a bit closer to her. My smile falls slightly. "Can I ask you something?"

She hums a response and I feel myself hesitating to ask her. "Ask me." She whispers and I sigh softly, "Are, is there someone new?" She is quiet for a moment and my heart beat increases. "Hunter, if there was someone you wouldn't in my bed right now." I smile in relief and pull her closer to me. I wrap my arm around her and my hand rests on her butt.

"We don't have to do anything. I just want to sleep next to you." I whisper, stopping her sentence. She is quiet for a moment. "Okay." She answers and snuggles closer. I feel myself relaxing against her and I close my eyes, a small smile on my lips again.

 I feel myself relaxing against her and I close my eyes, a small smile on my lips again

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Author's note:

I wanted to write a very naughty chapter, but I thought that it would be too early.
I had a very busy day, so I will post tomorrow again, if I can, but I have to go to bed early tonight. I am in my last year of high school so I have a rough year.

Thank you for all for your support and votes! I love reading your comments, so keep commenting and stay safe!!!


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