Chapter One

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Hunter's POV:

I walk towards my car, fiddling with the keys in the process. "Hey!" I ignore the voice behind. It is probably one of the many homeless around here who doesn't even want to get a job. Believe me, I asked multiple of them to paint a room, or my fence and the flat out refused. Even with pay! "Hey! I am talking to you." A hand grabs my shoulder and I spin around to face the stranger.

Or not so stranger.

Robbie Wesley, one of Aiden's gang members from school is staring me straight in the eyes. "You arrested Aiden, and now Joe too?" He is glaring at me with blood red eyes. "Joe was stealing from a local supermarket. It is my job to arrest him." I state flatly and turn to leave, but he grabs me again. 

"You already arrested our leader." He says in a low voice. "Why can't you just leave us be?" I want to laugh out loud. Leave people be when they aren't obeying the law? When I joined the FBI gang to fight crime under cover, I wanted to stop crime. I did my job well in high school and after graduating with Aiden in jail for assaulting and kidnapping someone, I got immediate promotion. The FBI gang is an undercover agency for teenagers who wants to work alongside the good guys and fight the bad guys, like Aiden.

Stephanie, Tyler and Bianca has also been apart of that agency, which is why Bianca and Tyler works alongside me. Tyler works in the laboratory as a Cryptanalyst-Forensic Examiner and Bianca works along with me as a police officer. We have chose this to catch the criminals personally, and to make things better, we are partners. Stephanie had quit her job at the FBI as a forensic anthropologist to be with Gabriella at home. 

"I have job. Your leader is a pathetic boy who didn't want to grow up." I snarl, "If you ask me. His father did a better job with this, how do you say it?" I raise a brow sarcastically, "Gang? Then he did." Robbie steps closer and I do too. "Assault a police officer, I dare you." Bianca says calmly from behind him. She's standing with her arms crossed and her hip jut out. Robbie steps away from me and gives me another glare. "We will have justice for our leader."

"By doing what?" I ask, "Throwing rocks at our building?" I am teasing Joe's way of breaking in to a supermarket. It was truly remarkable to see how much damage the drunk retard did to that building, which is why he was suede by the market manager from damaging property and he is arrested for that and stealing. Robbie doesn't answer me. He just turns around to leave. 

"Now, why would he even try to do that?" Bianca asks, stepping closer. "I have no idea, hun." She smiles and kisses my cheek. I just smile in return and fiddle with the car keys, turning towards it. "Are you going to stay the night?" I ask her lowly and she shakes her head. "Not today, Hunter. Stephanie asked me to make my way to her house." I raise a brow with a smirk. "It's about the wedding, isn't it?" I laugh at her displeased face and lean in to kiss her softly.

"Okay, but I want you to make it up to me." She laughs, but nods her head. I can't help but feel that there is something she isn't telling me. I decide not to ask. I know how full of surprises she can be, and I love that about her. I lean against my car door and pull her closer. "I'm going to miss you." I pout and she laughs before softly slapping me across the chest. "You saw me the entire day." I grin at her and she leans into my neck. "I have to go." She whispers and I groan. "Okay, good bye." I kiss her one more time before getting into my car.

Just as I start it, my phone vibrates from the dashboard. I turn on my Bluetooth call and Tyler's voice floods my car. "Listen, I am working late tonight. Could you tell Bianca to tell Stephanie I won't be able to get Gabby's diapers in time?" I laugh at his worried tone. "I'll have to call her. We just said good bye." Tyler sighs in the speaker. "I can't get Steph to answer her phone and I have a suspicion that the little minion is keeping her busy." Gabby is already three years old, but that little girl is no angel.

"Don't stress. I'll call Bianca." I hang up and tap on Bianca's contact. It rings a few times before she answers. "Hi, babe! I just stopped in front of Steph's house." I hear a car door slam. "Good, Tyler wants her to know that he won't be able to get Gabby's diapers in time before the markets close. Will you just let her know, hun?" I ask and she laughs. "I still can't get use to these two." I laugh along with her. "At least they're family." She hums in agreement and I hear a knock on a door. "I'll tell her, bye love." I greet her back and hang up.

The car falls quiet and I stare out the window. Sometimes in these quiet moments, my mind wanders back to Julia. I try not to think off her too much. I turn up the volume on my radio and the music drowns out my thoughts. Ed Sheeran is too cheesy to be realistic. I skip to the next song.

 I skip to the next song

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Writer's Note: 

Hey there guys! So, a LOT of you asked for a sequel to "My "Little" Secret is out", and here it is. Don't be mad at me for the first chapter. I know that this seems off. Hunter and Bianca? I know right! But stay tuned for more!!

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Something Other Than Secrets (Sequel to My "Little" Secret is Out) COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now