Chapter Two

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Julia's POV: 

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Julia's POV: 

500 words with the title "What about me?" 

I stare at the paper, not a single sentence that I am trying to write makes sense. Why would they give me such a stupid topic? "What about me?" I say out loud, trying to at least form something in my head. "What about me, James?" I shake my head and bite my lip. "What about me? I like jazz music and grilled cheese sandwiches." I frown at that and a bark of laughter catches my attention.

I turn around to face Angelic, my roommate. "What is so funny, Anne?" I raise a brow and she pushes her head into her pillow, probably trying not to laugh. "Why would you choose Lit, if you can't make a story out of a simple sentence?" She raises her head and leans into her hand. "Well?" I sigh and lean my head against the table top. "Being a writer is complicated. A thousand stories comes to mind, but not one seems fit." I close my eyes, "And a thousand stories comes to mind, but it is hard picking a title that fits." I look up at her.

"What about me?" She stares at me and blinks once. Twice. "What about you?" She asks back after a beat of silence and I groan. Fucking great. "Nothing comes to mind?" I ask her and grab another energy bar. I am addicted to these things ever since I started Uni. My grandfather took me back with him to Australia after I graduated to study here further. I am enjoying the different world that I experience here, but I miss home.

"Well, yeah. A sappy love story like "The Notebook" does." I roll my eyes and turn back to face the paper. "I am tired of writing love stories." I blink my tiredness away, that is totally useless and lean back in my chair. "Out of all the topics, they had to give this one." Angelic sits up straight and crosses her legs. "Maybe they did it to test you." She shrugs. Maybe. Definitely. To test my patience.

"I need to get to bed." My laptop dings with the Skype tone and I face it. Stephanie. I smile and grab my laptop from the desk and head to my bed. This is my favorite part of the day. When she calls me every night just before she heads to bed. I answer the call and Stephanie's face appears on the screen. Her hair is wrapped in a towel and she is sitting in her usual place when she Skypes me. "Hi, Jules!"

"Hi, Steph." I give her a slight wave and she grins back at me. "I am so fed up with Uni." I groan and she laughs. "Well, at least you'll get a break in a month's time. Just hold on." Her wedding. Three years after Gabby's birthday, they are finally tying the knot. I am excited for her wedding and I am one of the bride's maids! "Did I miss Bianca again?" I ask and her face falls slightly. "Yes, she had to leave early again." I nod and look over her shoulder when Tyler enters the room. He leans forward and kisses her on the cheek. "Hello, Jules." He smiles.

"You look tired." I point out and he chuckles. "You have no idea." And he turns to leave, but a squeal stops him by the door. "I swear, I never knew this house would be so loud with a little girl in it." Steph sighs and rubs her forehead. I laugh and when Tyler picks up Gabby another scream escapes her lips. "Julie!" I laugh and wave at her. "Hi, there angel!" Stephanie gives me a sarcastic look.

"How have you been?" I ask her as Tyler lowers her down on Steph's lap. She brings her face so close to the screen that the only parts of her face I can see is her nose and lips. "It's been okay. When will I see you?" She asks and I can almost see her eyes. "Soon, baby girl. Just you wait." She grins and her eyes disappears again. "Come on, sugar." I hear Tyler's voice and her face gets smaller as he takes her away from the screen. "Say good night to Julie." She waves at me. "Nighty night!" I blow her a kiss and Stephanie kisses her forehead.

"I have to get to bed too." Steph says as she takes the towel off her head. "I'll call you tomorrow again?" I nod my head and she logs off after saying good night. I lean against my pillows and Angelic talks again. "I still can't get over the fact that they are so young, but so mature." 

"They're not that young." I roll my eyes with a smile and stare at my laptop's background. It's my parents. They're divorced now. It didn't work out like we hoped it would. They are on better terms now, but made peace with the fact that it doesn't matter how hard they try, they won't be happy. Dad has married a woman with the name Jasmine. She is a pretty woman and his age. Mom has found a guy with the name Tony and she hasn't been more happy. 

I debate if I should go through my pictures again, but decide against it. "I think I am taking a break from the writing. Want to grab a coffee?" Angelic nods her head. It is just pass three in the afternoon and it is already pass eight at Stephanie's. We grab our shoes and jackets and head towards the door. "Oh, my phone." I turn around and fetch it from the bedside table before heading out the door and locking it behind me. I need to have it close for in case Dad or Mom calls.

"How's Granddad?" Angelic asks as we walk down the sidewalk. I let out a breath. "He is doing good." She kicks a pebble out of the way. "And who is James? You mentioned that name earlier?" Oh. I didn't tell Angelic much about my life at home. "Just a name." I shrug, "Name writers makes up." She looks at me skeptically before nodding her head and pulling her jacket around her body. Her blonde hair is waving in the wind and she always wears too dark make up. I don't mind it, I just won't do it.

We enter the Cafe and get in line. Angelic taps me on my shoulder and I turn to look at her. She nods her head to the right and look that way, spotting Justin in the mean time. He is already staring and flashes me a pearly white smile. Why is he here? I didn't want to see him and Angelic knows it. Why would she show me that he is here? Probably to warn you. Right, okay. Stay compose. 

He stays seated when we give our order and after we got it and we are heading to an open table, he stands up. "He's coming." Angelic murmurs. "I know." I plaster a fake smile on my face and he smiles back. "Hello, Julia." I look down at my coffee and look back at him after counting to five. "Hi, Justin. How are you?" His smile fades. "I've been better. Specially when the girl I am texting actually texts back."

I let out another breath and lower my head, shaking it from side to side. "Justin, I've tried to be kind by saying it to you the first time, but you clearly aren't getting the hint." I look him dead in the eye, "I was drunk. It didn't mean anything. It was a one-night-stand." I say it slowly and he stuffs his hands into his pockets. "Can't you try to get to know me?" I open my mouth and close it again. "Justin. I honestly don-" Angelic elbows me in the ribs and I turn to glare at her. She lifts her brows at me.

"Fine. One date. That's it." I sigh and a smile breaks across his face. "Yes!" He pumps his fist in to the air. "You will not regret it, Julia. I promise." He looks like a child on Christmas. "I highly doubt it." I whisper under my breath and turn my face back to my coffee. The smile is intoxicating. I lift my hands to grab the paper cup, but I am pulled from my seat into a bear hug. Why is he hugging me?

I didn't agree to physical contact. Did I? No. Let me go. Now. 

He pulls away from me with a massive grin on his face and I grimace back at him. Right, okay. You can leave now. "I am going to plan that date." He chuckles nervously and turns to leave. I slowly turn to face a smiling Angelic. "What. The. Actual. Fuck, Angelic?" I glare at her and she shrugs innocently. "You need excitement and ideas for your writing." 

Sneaky bitch. I shake my head and sit down again.

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