New Life

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Y/n pov

I'm moving again with My father at a place named wellsbury. I'm so tired of moving places cause every time I have to leave my friends and make new ones. The true is I never had a friend for more like 3 or 4 moths so it helps me forget easily. You propably wonder why I am with my father and not my mother. So the story is big but I will explain it with 1 word divorce. Well my mother was an alcoholic so she couldn't take care of me or my brother . So my dad took the whole guardian thing. I can say that he is not like other dads he is cool or he is trying to be. I mentioned that I have a brother. Yes I do and his name is thomas. We are not twins or something but we very close to each other. Sadly he is older, I mean not that much older only 4 years but you know how brothers can be.

Anyway back to my problem. I moved again and this time somewhere that I never expected to be. The true is I'm excited cause I learn that they have skate parks something that they didn't have back to where I came from. Yeah I'm sketebording it's my addiction. I don't really know how I learned to skate but I guess it's just happened.

And here I am in front of a big house with my suitcases. We finally arrived and the first thing I wanted to do Is rest. After we entered the house I was with my mouth open cause I've never been in house like this.

I brought my suitcases up to my room and started unpacking. I finally finished after I heard my father calling for dinner. God I would kill to eat right now. I thought. We ate together as always and the second thing I heard was the door shutting after my dad left for work.

What man leaves a 15 girl alone in a house. I'm kidding Its not like the first time that this happens. Well my dad works hard because he wants me to have a good life with good friends and family. Boring. I never really wanted family cause i see what happens to mine and I really don't want that. '' that's it I'm not staying any minute here '' I got up after a 2 hours movie and went up to my room to take my skateboard. I took my phone texting my father that Im going to have a tour at my new neighborhood. And he clearly answered "take your phone a leave it open and be careful cause we don't know what boys are like here" I stopped him there because I knew if he started talking he wouldn't stop.
I just send "love you" and hang up.

I was skateboarding looking at the houses next to mine and let me tell you something these People are rich. I really don't know how my dad found the money to bye a house at thin neighborhood. Well clearly he does his work good.

While I was skateboarding I saw a boy with the exact same skate I had. We locked eyes for a second but then someone came and drag him by the arm. It was awkward at least for me.

I was walking back home when I got a notification from my brother asking me how I was. I stopped skating when I saw the boy and the girl from earlier and I just realized that they were my neighbors. PERFECT I said. After a few stares the girl came up to me and introduced herself

"hi I'm max, and this is Marcus my twin brother I heard that you moved here"
"yeah I just moved I'm y/n it's nice to meet you" I said and before I could say anything Marcus came to us
" hey I'm Marcus

Hi I'm a new writer so I don't really know if that's good or if someone will read this but I guess we will see!!!

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