You Okay?

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Y/n pov

When i woke up was to early but I didn't want to stay in after what happened so I took my bag and left.

As I was going down I saw my brother at the counter of the kitchen. I just ignored him and left the house.

I was walking down the road when I felt two hands wrapping in my waste. For a second I didn't know who it was but I remember my Boy.

He turned me around and kissed me on the cheek

"good morning to you too" I said

"good morning" He replied smiling

"how are you?" he asked me

" fine I guess" I gave him a fake smile

"hey you OK?" he said looking in my eyes

"no I'm not" I said looking down

"hey come here" he said pulling Me for a hug

"what happened?" he asked worried

"I had a fight with my brother" I said

"was it for me" he asked.

"no it was for many things but yeah it was for you too" I said playing with my rings

"I'm sorry" he said

" don't be I'm not. I really do like you so I don't care what the others are saying"

"I like you too" he grabbed me and kissed me. His soft lips touching mine.

We stopped kissing to catch our breath and then walked to school

He kissed me one more time before getting to class

It was third period when I got a message from him.

Hey where are you

At my locker why

I'm coming

And just like that he was standing next to me

"hi" I said

"hey" he replied

"do you want to sneak off?" he asked

"what are you crazy" I said

"why not" he said
"because the will phone at my home telling that I'm not at school"
I said

"come on for me pretty please"
He gave this little smile and these puppy eyes that I couldn't resist

"fine" I said
We run to the exit. We were walking to the fast food shop.
We took drinks and started a challenge that I lost.

God I hate it when I loose
We stopped at a park that was no one there. I liked being alone with the person that I love- what no I don't love him do I?????
I just like him right not love. Because love is a big word.



"so what are we going to do now" I asked

"well I have a place that you may like do you want to go see?"

"yeah why not"

While we were walking to the forest I looked inside and saw a lake. I gasped.

"how did you find this place?" I asked

"I was walking here with my best friend by I stopped"

"wow this place its perfect. Why did you stop coming here? " I asked regreting

"well my best friend passed away so I didn't have someone to come with"

" Im sorry I didn't mean to bring it up"

I hugged him and he hugged me back

"it's okay I think he is happy now that I finally came here with someone that I care as I cared about him"
"he was cool pretty cool"

"yeah he sounds like" I smiled

" so do u wanna get in?" he asked

" no absolutely no" I replied

"OK" he took his shirt and pants of and jumped inside. I laughed at him.

Tell me if you like it this far 😁have fun reading

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