That Was My Brother

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Y/n pov

Marcus and I walked back home he gave a peck on my lips before leaving for his house. I went up to my room knowing no one was at home and climbed in bed. I wanted to make Marcus embarrassed so I started a conversation.

Hey how are you?

Hi babe im good
And you?
I'm good too. But I
Need to tell you

What is it is everything

You know that guy
With the motorcycle?

How could I forget him🙄

Well he is my brother
The one who called me the
Same day and asked where
I was. He just wanted to
Suprise me..

Oh God I'm so stupid
I'm so sorry I'm just an
Idiot. Will you forgive me

Didn't my kisses proved it

But I need more to
Be sure

I can't give you any..

What why?

Cause you're not my

Oh that is how is going huh?


Hey are you there


The next thing I know is seeing Marcus climbing through my window
"hi so will you be my girlfriend? "
"do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"only for kisses? Hell nah you can kiss your dog I'm not your doll"
"not only for kisses you are so beautiful, kind, caring and everything about you is just perfect that's why.... but I wouldnt mind having some kisses"

I laughed at his comment and I just kissed and said
"yes I want to be your girlfriend" I said between kisses

"so I have this idea if you want to go on a date with me"

"let me think about it" I said
"ummmmm I. Don't think I'm free but I would gladly ruin everything to go on a date with you"

When I finished he just climbed on top of me and game me some sweet kisses on my neck and collarbone

We ended up cuddling. I had put my head and and hand on his chest listening to his heartbeat

We were woken up by my brother bursting in my room and here it comes

I HAVE A DOOR(Marcus Baker X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now