I Will Be The One Who Will Show You Around

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Y/n pov

I can't say it was that bad. I mean I could have been worse. Anyway now I'm waiting Mr. Annoying (this is his name for me sorry If you don't like it) to bring a student to show me around PERFECT I though.

While I was waiting my brother called me asking me how I'm doing
"hey weirdo what are you doing? Aren't you supposed to eat this time?"

"hey asshole. Yeah I'm supposed to  but I have to wait for this annoying teacher "
"first day and already in trouble. Yep you are exactly like me" he laughed
I laughed back

"no he is just going to bring me some student to show me around God I hate him."
He laughed
"why are you laughing I'm starving and God I cant -"

I was cut by Mr. annoying  telling me what to do

"so miss y/l/n first of all phones aren't allowed second of all the student that will help you with the tour is outside waiting for you"

"thank you Mr. Anno- I mean Mr Gitten. And I'm sorry for using my phone"

At first It was sarcasm but yeah he is an old man so I'm not complaining

I excused my self and went out to find the boy or girl. I wish it was a girl. But guess what no. It was the one and only Marcus

He waved at me and I waved back and then I just got closer

"Hey " I said
"Hi how you doing neighbor?"
OHHH his accent I what was I thinking about
"umm I'm good thanks how are you?"
"grateful" he said
"grateful for what" I asked
"being here with you" he said
I blushed a little but I let it go

"so where are we going first" I asked
After a whole hour we finished. We didn't exactly had a tour. We more likely had known each other

"so thanks for the tour" I said
"my pleasure" he gave me this perfect smile goddddd I'm dying
He did this thing with his hand and left
"umm OK"

Soo I'm gonna say that the thing that happened with ginny and Marcus was before they met  and I'm gonna  make some drama later cause I love drama especially with this film
(sorry If I have grammar mistakes)

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