I Can't Dance N/n

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Y/n pov

I arrived back home and the first thing I did was run to the kitchen God I thought I would die. Anyway after eating the whole fridge I want upstairs to my room and did my homework

Once I was done I just laid in my bed with my airpuds on listening songs from 1d. I really liked this band.

I was drifting to sleep when I suddenly heard a sound from my window
'OK relaxe it's probably a bird'
And then I saw it' MARCUS???
OK What the hell ' I thought

"hey" he said
"hi" I replied
There was a little awkward silence
"um  OK I came to  ask you if you want to come skating wit me"

Did he really jumped in my room from the window to come and ask me if I want to go skating with him

"ummm OK I guess I was bored anyway" I said

"just wait a minute I have to make my dad some food so it will propably take Time so if you want to go I will meet you outside"

"I can stay if that's ok with you.. I can-n go if you wan-" I cut him

"OK good I will atleast have some company"

He didn't only stayed there he helped too. How can man be so GODDD

'what is wrong with you y/n you never liked a boy and he probably doesn't too' God I hate myself

After waiting I put some music started dancing while Marcus was sitting there smiling at me. I got over him and took him by his arm and started dancing with me.
" noooo" he said We both smiled
"come on" I said
"I can't dance n/n (nickname)
" neither can I marc"he laughed at his nickname

"it doesn't look like that" he said admiring me

I laughed

I think that he is my buddy now.

Marcus pov

God she's doing everything perfect. I helped with the food because I didn't want to just stare at her not that I don't want to its just that I wanted her to though that I was cool.

Her smile was so cute. She's literally a goodness. Wow I never thought I would say that to anyone.

We were waiting the food to be Ready so we can be ready to leave for skate. 
But she got bored and went to the living room leaving me just staring at her. She put some music and started dancing.

She then looked at me and came taking me by the arm to dance with her  God I really do like her.

We fell to the ground laughing before we heard the blip. That means the food is ready soooo guess what we are leaving

So you can ask me some questions If you have any and sorry if  I have mistakes I'm trying my best

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