Why Are You Treating Me Like This

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Y/n pov

I finished second period and went at the lunch hall. As  I was walking I saw Marcus making out with that one girl I think her name is padma. Well she is really beautiful.

I walked up to ginny and max and we talked for a bit when I caught Marcus stare at me. I hated him. I wasn't feeling good so I excused my self  and went to bathroom. I don't know what's happening to me.

I heard the door open and saw Marcus walk up to me. I stared a him. And then I finally got the guts to yell at him. Not loud enough to others to hear but loud enough for him to see how mad I was

"so this is how you wanna play it huh"

"first we kissed and second thing I know is you leaving without telling me nothing absolutely nothing. Not even knowing if you are okay. And the worst part you're ignoring me  for what. Tell me  what the hell did I do to make you that mad to ignore me??"

"......... "
" so youre not talking now"
"let me guess youre so tired of talking after making out with padma right?"

I went to leave but he grabbed my wrist    making me want to slap him in his face.

I slapped him and I felt so good that I wanted to do it again. But at the same time I wanted to hug him and cry.

I started swearing and punching him but I couldn't take any more and started crying. While hugging him

"why are you treating me like this? I said

he finally talked " I was jealous "

" jealous of what? "

" of that boy you hugged and kissed that one with the motorcycle I though you were together and I hated it. I hated seeing you in someone's other arm. I wanted you mine and I kno that you just moved here but I just need you and-d--

I cut him by kissing and he gladly kissed me back pulling me closer. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands around my waist.

I stopped kissing him remembering that he kissed that padma

I run into the closer counter and put some water in my mouth.

Marcus was confused when he saw me running.

"why did you stop? "

"you kissed padma I'm not going to kiss you until you brush your teeth"
(this is not racist or something I just wanted to write something funny)

He laughed at me and hugged me I hugged him back.

So it's true there's always a hope

God I don't think I like this but 😁have fun reading

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