So Now You Sneaking Of The School

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Y/n pov

I saw that Marcus was asleep so I kissed his forehead and left cause  I really didn't want more drama

I left his house and went to mine wearing his pants and t-shirt.

I opened the front door and the first thing I see was my brother  so angry but sad at the same time. Weird....

He finally turned around and saw me. I was gonna die

"where the hell were you" he yelled to me

"I was with a friend" I told him

" you sneaked out of school and you were with a friend. Let me guess you were with Marcus right" he yelled

"yes I was" I yelled back

He looked sad he started crying.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. I'm so sorry forgive me. I just don't want to lose you. I-i---

I cut him by hugging him.

" I screwed up didn't I? " he said while sobbing

" yeah you did asshole " I laughed

He laughed with me

" I'm sorry for making you  believe whatever I said"

" it's fine I guess but stop crying it makes me wanna cry too" he laughed and wiped his tears

"so are we good bitch?" he asked

"aren't we always?" I smiled and hugged him

We ate ice cream in my room  when I heard my window open I saw Marcus and he tried to hide but he didn't know that my brother had already seen him

My brother went to the window and gave a hand to him. OK ummm

" so you are Marcus"
"yeah I am and you must be Thomas y/ n talks about you"

" I wish only good things "he said

" always" they smiled at eatch other

"um Marcus can I talk to you for a second?" my brother asked

Oh God here we go

They walked out of my room and started talking.

I was worried for Marcus cause I know how overprotective is my brother

After 10 minutes they came in and my brother  excused himself

So it was just me and Marcus

He jumbed  in my bed hugging me  so tight. We both smiled as we stared at each other he looked so happy. He pecked my lips before  hugging me again

"so what did my brother say" I asked

"can't tell" he said while smirking

"and why the hell no" I said mad

"OK fine I  will tell you later I just want to cuddle with you now" I smiled at him as he laid in my lap

I kinda liked this one "😁have fun reading

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