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Y/n pov

After putting the food in the fridge I went upstairs to get my skateboard.

I took my skateboard and went down seeing Marcus cleaning his skateboard. I don't know why but when I see this boy I just want to grab him and kiss him

Well something is wrong with me

After seconds staring at him he finally turned around seeing me at the stairs

"you know it's rude to stare" he said smiling at me

"I'm not staring I'm just admiring the view" when I realized what I said I gasp putting my hand over my mouth

He didn't complain. He just had this smirk on his face GOD this man will kill me one day

I run down to the stairs to get my phone texting my dad that I will be gone and he did what he always did he called me

"hey sweetheart"
"Hey dad" I replied
I put on the speaker for Marcus to hear

"OK before you leave check if you have closed all the windows and door OK?
" yes sir"

"first of all take a jacket because it's cold and I don't want you sick"

"yes sir"

Marcus was at the edge of laughing
"Second of all if you are gonna you this thing you do -" I cut him

"it's skateboard"

"yeah that shit" Marcus laughed and sadly dad heard it

"y/n whos with you?" my dad asked angry
"what do you mean dad" I played the dumb

I signed to Marcus to shut up

"OK well I'm positive that I heard someone laugh and I'm pretty sure it was a boys laugh"

"it was just the TV dad remember the one singer that I like?? Harry styles??"

Marcus was confused he just was like um OK
"I hope you're telling me the truth"

"always dad anyway I got to go remember I left you some food in the fridge love ya"

"lov-" I hang up and the we both were laughing so hard that tears were rolling down

After we went back to normal we got out and started skating and Marcus started a conversation

"so you like someone?"

"yeah well I do but he's a singer and like to much older so yeah I don't have chances"

"oh-h OK"
"why did you ask?? Are you interested?" I laughed

"maybe" I blushed and laughed too

"so can you do any flips?" he asked me and I simply replied with a "no"

"do you want me to teach you" I was surprised first but

"yeah why not"

"OK so if youre gonna fall I will catch you so don't worry"

"what" he asked

"so we are friends now right?"
"yeah if you want to" he simply said

I smiled at him
"OK you're ready?"
" no but I guess everything Is gonna be okay"

So I did it but fail. I did it again and again and again until I finally did it and I was so happy that I jumped to Marcus and hug him. We both fell down me on top of him. Staring at each other.

He leaned and I did too. Our lips connected and I had this feeling in my stomach that I loved. Our lips moved perfectly until we had to pull away to catch our breath.

I got off of him and gave him a hand so he can get up. We looked at each other for like minutes before he could say anything my phone ringed.

It was my brother wow. I answered the phone and it went like that

"hey whats up?" I asked
"dad told me you were out"
"yeah and?"
"where are you?"
"at a skatepark"
"OK just wanted to know have fun"
"yeah you two"

Marcus looked at me

"it was my brother"
"you have a brother?"
"yeah I do his name is thomas
" and what did he want "
" just to know where I was "
" oh OK " he smiled
" so are we gonna try the flip again? " he asked and I nodded. After about 20 minutes a motorcycle was stopping in front of us

I recognized this motorcycle and after I realized it was my brother I went up to him and hug him.
" WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" I screamed from my excitement
"I came to see my sister is that bad?"

"no of course it's not" I hugged him tigher

"so who was that boy?" he pointed at the place Marcus was but now gone
I was confused why would he leave like that?

"it's a very good friend" I said smiling "comon let's go home" he said giving me a helmet.

I was so happy that my brother Thomas came to visit me but I was so confused with Marcus 'I mean why would he leave without a good bye or something' God I hate these moments it's like in the movies

Wow so this is my longest chapter so I guess enjoy 😁 sorry for any mistakes. Also if you don't like me explaining this kiss or anything you can just tell me and I will stop it

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