You Started Drinking?

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Y/n pov

I was woken up by my brother shaking me

"what the hell?" I asked

"I should be the one to ask you that? What are you doing on  the floor with -

He  looked and found the bottles of alcohol he grabbed one and came back to me

" what is that? " he yelled knowing that I started drinking

" you started drinking. for God's sake what the hell happened that made you drink 5 bottles?" he yelled in my face

" Marcus happened" I simply replied

" what happened with Marcus " he asked calming down

"I can't tell you" I said looking down

"and why the hell no?" he asked mad

" you really want to know. OK listen
I was with Marcus at the skate park I went to grab some drinks and when I came back I saw Lydia and Marcus kissing. That's what happened."

At this point he sat down with me taking the beer  and drunk  it

And I laughed.

Then we both started talking about how we both end up.

After  a few hours I got a notification from Marcus telling me where have I been

Hey where have you
Been yesterday you left
Without telling me

Well I didn't want to
Bother ypu

What do you mean bother?

Oh I don't know does the name
Lydia reminds you something

You saw

Yeah I did

Aren't you going to say something
Oh  yeah I forgot you have this
Problem with your lips after

I throw my phone and went down to the floor w it my brother

After a few minutes Marcus climbed to my Window

Thomas excused him self letting Me and Marcus alone

"you know I have a door right? Oh I see you don't want little Lydia to know" at this point I was so drunk

"she kissed me and if you stayed a little longer you would see that I pushed her away,and   told her that we both were in relationship so it wasnt right"

"oh yeah and that has to make it better because it doesn't"

"you know I would never cheat on you right"

"no I dont know that you said you loved me but that was all full of shits  you can't love someone that you hardly know 4 weeks can you"

"yeah I can because I did. I fell for you  and now you're drunk blaming me for something I don't deserve to be blamed. Look I don't wanna loose you for something like that. I love you"

"well I don't" my drunk self told him

He eyes started watering

"just leave I'm too tired to hear all your shits." I said and he left

I started crying after he left but I slowly drifted to sleep and forgot everything

I think he is hurt 😁 have fun reading

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