I Know This Motorcycle (last Part)

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Y/n pov

When I woke up it was already 2 so I went downstairs to find something to eat because after a hangover you need food( well the truth is that you always need food😂)

I called my brother but I didn't got an answer. 'Perfect 'I thought. I got to the  kitchen and run towards the fridge. I was disappointed after I saw that there's not pizza.

So I took my skateboard and some money and left to get some food

While I was skating I saw an ambulance and cap cars. From what I learned theres been an accident with a motorcycle.

I went closer to look and my jaw dropped when I saw whose motorcycle was.

It was Marcus' motorcycle he probably was mad and started driving
Carelessly. I gasp  putting my hand over my mouth

I started crying  when I realized that it was my fault that Marcus had this accident he was mad and sad so he wasn't thinking right.

I run back home well not my home but Marcus home. I knocked and Maxine opened the door

"hey is Marcus here." I asked while sobbing  and shaking

"he is in a hospital I'm going now do you want to come?" she asked and I nodded

Max looked like she was really scared and I don't blame her. I just wanted to let it go and start crying but that wasn't the best idea so I kept it to my self.

We finally arrived at the hospital. her mother  was already in. Max asked the doctor  how he was and he said that he is alright he just had a broken arm and some scratches on his face.

I was relieved when I heard it

Max went inside with her mum and stayed there for like 30 minutes. After they came back they told me that they had to leave and asked me if I could stay. I happily nodded .

After they left I was scared to enter his room.
I saw that he was asleep and smiled a little

I sat next to him taking his palm with my hands.

I started crying hard

"I'm so sorry it's all my fault that you're here" I whispered while crying

His hand moved and I looked at him

"hey why are you crying" he asked  tired

I put my hand on his cheek

"you're okay?" I asked  while crying a little

"I'm not dead so I'm alright" he said
I laughed at him

"I'm sorry"  I said sobbing
"I was drunk and I told you all these lies and now look you're here because of me" I said crying harder

He lifted my chin

"hey hey hey it's not you're fault and yeah all these words kinda hurt but look I'm more than alive so you don't have to worry.  I was an idiot when I took the motorcycle. And look  I  atleast got you back right"

I laughed at him and he laughed with me
"Yeah  you got me back" they smiled at each other and then Marcus leaned and kissed her.

"I love you" he  said to me
"I love you more" I said back
"nah that's impossible" he said and we started laughing

After some days of visiting Marcus in the hospital   he finally came back  and.  We  discussed all the differents we had  like what happened with him and Lydia. And obviously I believed him..

Me and Marcus came really close after my  brother left and we  got some time for the two of us .

After we  finished high school we  both got at the same college. And we  were happier than ever.

I think they found their soul mates

Well I did it I finished it. Tell me if you want to write something more.

I will start a new book that will be louis partridge x reader. I will make this book for my Bestie cause I know how much she loves him

Hope you like it.

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