I Will Better Get Going

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Y/n pov

"before you say anything we didn't do anything OK?" I said

"oh yeah and that makes it better. You are to young to have a boyfriend little woman" he literally yelled at me

"I will better going" Marcus said to Me and hugged me one more time and left from the door for the first Time.

"OK so what the hell y/n you bring boys here what if dad was the one who came in what would have happen" he yelled

"first of all dad knocks and second of all whats your problem. I'm closing 16 in 2 months and that means that I'm old enough to make my own decisions
And to have a BOYFRIEND" I Yelled back.

"you're not seeing him again" he told me . I laughed

"oh yeah and who are you to tell me what to do as you see I have a father"

"your father??? Do you think your father will let you see that boy. No he won't. And I'm your brother and I'm. Older and I know the hell how these things work" he told me angrily

"so tell me something I don't know about relationships. I know everything dad and mum learnt how relationships work. And I will make sure mines and Marcus's won't be like that. Cause Im not mum. I'm not going to start drinking after I learn that he cheated. "

" so Marcus huuh"

"yah Marcus"

"the only thing That these boys want Is getting in you pants. And I'm pretty sure that he wants that too. So listen to me for once and let that boy go"

"listen you??? You're kidding right??
Do you remember when you told me that mum and dad Will be alright I heard you I fucking believed you. You made me wanna believe that everything is gonna be alright. Now look at me. I'm with my dad.
Do you remember when you told me to leave mum because she is dangerous. Well she wasn't. She was fucking hurt. And do you know who's fault us this is yours and dad's. "

" how is that my fault "

" oh please tell me that you weren't stealing money from dad.. I know what you did. I saw you doing it.
And look now mum is somewhere that nobody's know. And Dad. Is doing the perfect life..im sick of you all of you. You took me from my mother
Do you know how that feels. No you don't. Cause you were old enough to take the pain away but I wasn't . So don't facking tell me what to do and fuck off" at that point. I was yelling and crying at the same time.

I got in bed before shutting the door and obviously locking it.

I put some music and started crying

And that's how I fell asleep

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