Why Are You Ignoring Me

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Y/n pov

I was gossiping with my brother about stuff until it got late and I went upstairs to rest. I was trying not to worry about Marcus but I just couldn't.

I took my phone and texted him

Hey why did you
Leave like that?

Hello?? You know I can see
When you have read this

Why are you ignoring me?

Did I do something wrong

Damn it Marcus what's
Gotten you?

Are you seriously aren't
Going to answer me?

You know what fuck you
Marcus I thought we were

I throw my phone to my bed and tried for the last time to sleep.
I woke up the morning by my brother laughing with my father

Weird I mean my dad should be at work now

I went downstairs
"hey" I greeted

"Good morning sweetheart" Dad greeted
"Morning bitch" my brother said
"Morning asshole"
"language" dad said while we both rolled our eyes

"how much longer will you stay?" I asked Thomas
"not enough but I'm here now so don't waste time go get dressed. I'm walking you to school"

I rolled my eyes

After talking for so many different things. I got into a conversation I never wanted to.
"so do u have a girl" I asked him
"well no but theres someone I really like but I don't think she likes me back"

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't" I said while laughing. He started tickling me and I started laughing hard

"take it back" he said

"no" I said while trying to take his hands off of me

"take it back" he tickled harder
"fine fine I take it back" I caught my breath before starting punching him.

I did notice eyes on us so I turned to look and saw something I never expected

Marcus grabbing a girls arm and kissing her . I was shocked but I knew that our kiss didn't mean anything. So I just hugged my brother and walk inside my class

I was so unlucky that I had to go through Mr. Annoying class. I hate him I'm talking about Mr. Annoying not mar- you know what fuck him

He doesn't deserve me. He ignored me and kissed a girl after making out with me.

As you see my life is falling apart. I was so stupid that I thought I liked him and he liked me back but it was all full of shits. No you know what

Men are full of shit

Tell me if I overreacting have fun reading 😁

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