I'm Y/n

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Y/n  pov

After this akward silence I told him my name
"I'm y/n it's nice to meet you"I said awkwardly
" so I y/n  saw you skating while I was looking for Marcus is that true? "max asked
" umm yeah that's right I'm skating every day and I just wanted to go for a walk cause I got bored at my house alone "I simply answered

" alone? You are living alone? "Marcus asked

" no I live with my father he is at work right now so  I'm alone "

" You can hang with us sometime you look like a good friend "max said happily
We both smiled. And then I heard it my phone. It was my brother so I couldn't not answer
" I'm sorry I have to answer this see you later bye"
"bye" I heard from both of them

I answer my phone while I was putting some clothes to my wardrobe. We talked for a bit when u saw from my window Marcus. 'Marcus??? What is he doing' I though. I saw him climbing down from his window with his skateboard. Wow now that's weird.... He saw me that I was staring and he did this thing with his hand. Okkkkkk............
So I let it go before picking some clothes for my first day at School.

God I really wish I didn't have to do this every year. But I guess I can't do something else can I?

My dad came home at 11 knowing that he was tired I left him a sandwich  to eat and make an another one for tomorrow. Cause as I said my dad works hard

I woke up by the sound of the door shutting and I knew that my dad had already left so I got up and get ready from the worst day.

You see I might look like a happy person for all this things but the true is I'm not

I got up after finishing with everything and went outside to leave. I locked all the doors and windoww so Im sure nothing will happen while I'm out. While I walked at the half road I bumped at  a girl who was so beautiful.
"I'm so sorry" I said
"nah that's okay" she answered
"you are the new one right?"
"I see the news are out" I laughed
"I'm ginny"
"I'm y/n nice to meet you"

"no its just that we live next to each other, and I learned it from max."
"ah yeah max she is amazing I met her yesterday and I really like her"

"yeah I know she is the best. We actually best friends and we have a team do you want to hang out with us later so we  will know each other??" I stayed quiet before-

"it's OK if you don't want to"

"no it's not that... You know I will come I guess we will talk later"

I waved at her as we finally arrived

I took a deep breath and entered. WOW is all I said
This school has nothing to do with mine. It's so big and - I was  cut by the ring
"shit" I murmured
I have no idea what to do so I started running to find what class I had now. I finally saw that I have Mr. Gitten or something like that. I ran as hell to find his class and as always I'm late. YAYY best day ever and now I knew what was coming.

"Welcome class we have a new student this year.
Miss y/l/n  would you like to introduce yourself"
I swallowed hard

"hi I'm y/n and I just moved here" I took a deep breath and looked for a free sit. I finally found one next to ginny. Thank God

I sat next to her happy cause I atleast I knew someone.

After that Mr. Something told That he will find a student to help me with the tour and books and things like that.

And that's how my first period ended

Hey I'm sorry if I have grammar mistakes it's because English isn't my first language so Im sorry for any mistakes

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