Chapter 95

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"She's your sister,"

I couldn't help but laugh, he was still lying all this time. The tears had dried, now leaving stains down my cheeks. His hand reached towards me again, a pathetic attempt for me to try and believe his so-called sincerity.

"Why are you still lying," I spat, the anger in my voice evident, he was sick in the head. And needed help, it's embarrassing to think he'd still lie, all now.

"I'm not— fuck," he sucked in a breath, his exhale coming out shaky, "I'm not lying Bella," he whispered.

"That's bullshit, I don't have a sister, I never had a sister— is this a joke to you," I asked, I crossed my arms and leaned against the sink.

Draco paced the small bathroom, his chest heaving, "I'm not fucking lying Bella," the tone in his voice made me flinch.

I knew he'd never hurt me physically, but his words cut deeper than any knife. He could pierce me with the sharpest one, in an attempt to hurt me, but compared to his words, and tone, the knife would never compare.

"I'm sorry, can— just let me explain," he said, clearly reeling from the small jump he had forced out of me.

I gestured for him to go on, I was intrigued to see how much further he would lie. Regardless of what he would say, I was still ending things. I wasn't going to be in a relationship with someone who kept secrets from me.

"As I said, she's your sister," he began, he ran his fingers through his hair, he'd usually do that in an attempt to calm himself down.

I rolled my eyes, "continue,"

"I know— I'm sorry, give me a second," he responded, taking in another deep breath, "I just want to say Bella I-"

"Continue Draco," I interrupted, I didn't want to hear his affirmations of love. Not now, they were empty words, meaningless if he couldn't physically act them out.

He nodded and sighed, "you know the house, you were in? A few days ago?"

"What about it," I whispered, my eyebrows furrowed at what he was about to say.

"You were there— and, she was too, your sister— Fawn," he continued, his eyes looking everywhere apart from myself.

"Stop saying she's my sister— I don't know who you're talking about!" I yelled, my hand slammed onto the countertop.

Draco raised his eyes to where my palm now laid flat against it, they flicked onto my own. And that's when the single tear dropped from his eyes, he knew. He knew I was ending this, and I'm glad he did.

"I— fuck, forgive me, Bella," he whispered.


"I obliviated you,"

The silence was deafening, now I was unsure if he was telling the truth or not. I had no recollection of Fawn, but the look in his eyes, the guilt in his expression— that's when I understood, he was not lying.

"Why— I— Draco what the fuck," my breathing became erratic, my chest was tight. I felt my stomach churn, I couldn't bear the sight of him anymore.

His scent which once satisfied, and filled me with a deep sense of comfort and warmth. Now left a bitterness inside my throat. The image of him made me sick, someone I deeply loved, who I craved to be with every day.

Now appeared as a stranger, an enemy. This wasn't love, no, because if he did obliviate me, then why didn't he tell me. Why lie— which is the main question, why couldn't he tell me.

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