Chapter 11

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The astronomy tower was my sanctum. I don't know how long I've been here for but I needed to be alone. I needed to breathe even if it was only for a moment. My mind was thinking of a hundred ways how I should apologise to Bella.

A part of me couldn't bring myself to do it. Even after the whole dispute, we had earlier today, a part of me still hoped she would join me tonight. The likeliness of that happening was slim to none. Seeing enough of the views I sighed and made my way to the common room.

"Malfoy, did you hear what happened to Arabella?" Blaise asked.

My heartbeat picked up, my face showed concern but I brushed it off.

"No, and I don't care."

"She has a concussion, fell over and bumped her head apparently."

"Astoria told me, she blacked out on her way to Madame Pomfrey."

"Is she still there?" Finally letting myself be concerned. Blaise picked up on this and smiled.

"Yeah she is, she will be for tonight, she's sleeping though— anyway it's late, I'm going."

He started to walk away and turned back to me "give it an hour before you see her, Umbridge will have Filch on break" he said smiling slightly.

I nodded and he went to his room.

Patiently tapping my foot, I waited an hour to be exact. Checking my watch once more I snuck out of the common room and hurried to the hospital wing.

Thank fuck the room was empty, only her occupying the room, slowly I made my way over to her. She looked peaceful with a slight smile on her face whilst she slept, Merlin she was something else.

"You're so stupid, do you know that?" I said as I stroked her hair. This was the only way I could speak with her, was I being a coward? Probably but I hope she would hear.

"I didn't sleep with her, after I was with you, I didn't even touch her. I haven't touched her since you" I whispered.

"Malfoy you idiot!" Astoria slapped my arm multiple times.

"Shit, what the fuck Astoria!" I yelled at her.

"You slept with Pansy after Arabella sucked your dick you bastard!" she said angrily.

This is the first I've heard of this.

"No, I never."

"Yess you did, me and Arabella saw the love bites on her neck!" she said.

It all made sense now.

"I haven't been with Pansy since I was with Arabella" she looked at me confused and then with wide eyes. She then ran off, leaving me baffled.

"You're so beautiful, Bella." I placed a kiss on the top of her head and made my way out of the hospital wing— heading straight for my bed.

Last night I slept peacefully, no nightmare for the first time. Currently sitting in the common room with Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle I zoned out of their conversation. The door opened, I smiled inside and saw her.

"Arabella, I thought you were a goner!" Blaise said as he went to hug her, I watched his movements.

"Come sit" Blaise led her over to the sofa and cleared the seat for her. Watching him go back to Astoria and speaking with her, she was blushing? I'll ask him about that later.

"So what happened Roseberry?" Crabbe asked her, he shoved the cupcake in his face and I looked at him in disgust.

"Uh, I tripped and hit my head on the ground," She said to him, she looked embarrassed and made eye contact with her hands only.

Pansy laughed "God you are embarrassing," she remarked. Turning my head to her, I went to open my mouth.

"Pansy quit it," Astoria said from across the room with a scowl on her face.

"No, I won't quit it, I'm fed up, everyone's tiptoeing around her but won't address the elephant in the room" she shouted now standing up.

"Parkinson stop, you don't need to say shit!" Blaise shouted at her pointing his finger.

"No, go on Pansy, say what you need to say," Arabella said. I admired her, she was so graceful, even when she was defending herself. I sat up in my seat watching her with a frowned face. I was ready to defend if she stepped out of line one more time.

"You're a whore, a mud blood, half-blood loving whore" she said with a smug face "oh yeah a whore with dead parents too."

Bella stood up quickly reaching for her wand, I started to rise from my seat slowly to stop the argument.

"Don't you dare stop me this time" She said pointing her wand to me and then back to Pansy. "

Anything else Pansy? choose your next words wisely" She growled pointing her wand to her face.

"You think I'm scared of you?" She laughed and slowly went for her wand.

"Stupefy!" She shouted. Fuck me.

Pansy fell to the ground and Arabella rushed to her room. I was shocked, I mean I wasn't but I didn't expect her to do it. Pansy laid on the floor for a while.

Goyle went to check on her and I stopped him "don't touch her, she deserves it."

Goyle nodded and sat back in his seat. I looked over at Blaise and Astoria, they were both smiling and whispering.

"Let's go, we have to report to Umbridge" I spoke, walking out of the common room.

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