Chapter 66

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"Harmonia nectere passus" Bella whispered, she held onto her wand tightly as she repeated the charm.

"This is no use" I huffed, standing up from the table beside the cabinet. I rounded her standing directly behind her, she placed a finger on her lips hushing me, I frowned but continued to watch her.

"Harmonia nectere passus" she repeated with her eyes closed. The bird stopped making noises, she slowly opened the cabinet, peeking inside "ha, I told you it would work" she laughed. The bird had now disappeared, but now she just had to bring it back.

"Go on then, show off" I muttered, "no, no, it's your turn," she said, stepping out of the way and allowing me to take her place. I took a deep breath, holding my wand steadily. Closing my eyes I said the charm, concentrating on the bird coming back.

"Perfect!" Bella shouted, I opened one eye to see that she had opened the cabinet. The bird sat perched inside, flying out after seeing the door open. I took a sigh of relief, smiling to myself.

"Thank you" I breathed, Bella, pulled me down by my tie placing a light kiss on my lips.

"Anything for you," she said with a wink "come on let's get out of here, I'm hungry." I nodded, following after her, she skipped out of the room.

"Actually Bella, I have to go to Hogsmeade, there's something I have to do." She turned around, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Just picking up something" I muttered.

She paused for a second and nodded. Since our last conversation a few weeks ago she allowed me to keep some things to myself. Although she wasn't happy about it, it seemed to allow our relationship to progress. I was grateful for that, grateful for her.

"I'll see you later," I told her before walking in the opposite direction.

I needed to speed things up, the cabinet was taking long. Dumbledore was still alive, which wasn't good for me. So it was time to make use of the necklace I had purchased. The imperius curse worked a charm on Rosmerta, it was just a waiting game now.

After my trip to Hogsmeade, I skipped lunch, heading straight to my room. I spotted a letter, besides my bed, fuck I knew who this was from. Sighing slowly I opened the letter.

"Dear my darling Draco,

I hope all is well, I'm excited to see you soon for Christmas. How are things with the cabinet? is it finished? The dark lord has been questioning your capability of completing the task. I can only give you so much time my dear. Please send an update soon, your family depends on this.

Love always,


Fuck, this was not good. I crumbled the piece of paper "incendio" I murmured, watching the paper burn and fall onto the ground turning into ash. A knock came from the door, I kicked the ash under my bed.

"Who is it?" I asked, "your favourite person." I rolled my eyes "come in Zabini."

I watched Blaise walk in, a huge smile on his face. "Did you just fuck or something" I laughed, "can I not be happy to see my friend?" He said sitting on my bed.

"Do make yourself comfortable" I muttered, "you been starting fires?" He laughed, sniffing the air.

"Mind your business, what do you want?" I asked.

"So I've been speaking to Tia" he started, I shook my head "that explains your face."

"No it's not like that, not anymore, dickhead" he said. "Whatever you say, go on," I said with a slight smirk on my face.

They used to date, but Tia said Blaise was too immature for her, as he was a year below her. I don't know why they're talking again, but Astoria would not be happy.

"So, I asked her-" our heads turned as the door swung open.

"Oh, hi Blaise, I didn't know you were here" Bella walked in.

"Draco have you been starting fires?" Bella asked, looking around "no." She looked at Blaise and then at me "am I interrupting something?" She giggled "no I was just leaving, I'll catch up with you later Malfoy," Blaise said, I nodded and he left the room shutting it behind him.

"Are you alright?" I asked Bella who had made her way onto my bed.

"I'm fine, but did you hear what happened to that Gryffindor girl?" She said, playing with her hair. I shook my head "no, what happened?" I said, sitting down on the side of the bed.

"Apparently she was cursed, by some necklace or something, they said she looked possessed and shit" my eyes slightly widened, this was not the plan, shit. Why is nothing going my way?

"So, is she alright, what happened after?" I questioned, she squinted her eyes whilst looking at me.

"Well she's not dead, but Snape knows, Harry saw it all" she whispered. Of course, Potter was there, he was there when I was in Hogsmeade, he's fucking everywhere. "Right" I trailed, wanting her to change the topic of conversation.

"Whoever done that to her is horrible, I hope they find whoever who done it" she mumbled.

I gulped silently, nodding at her statement "anywho, Christmas is soon, I've got you a present" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"I don't need a present from you, Bella, you're enough" I responded, pulling her onto my lap. She smiled "well I wanted to get you one," she said kissing my cheek.

"Actually I have something for you" I lifted her off me and walked towards my wardrobe. "What is it?" She asked "don't be impatient" I pulled the large box out handing it to her.

"A present for me, you're too kind," she said with sarcasm laced in her tone.

She opened the box quickly, gasping at its contents.

"How did you-"

"I had help from a friend" I laughed.

She pulled out a few dresses, some that were similar to the ones I had ruined and others a different style altogether.

"I told you I would buy you a new one," I said, watching as she felt the fabric of each dress.

"Yeah one, not four Draco and these are expensive, it's not even Christmas yet!" She exclaimed.

"I didn't say it was a Christmas present" I laughed, Bella threw the box to the side and dragged me into a hug. "Thank you, that was thoughtful of you." I kissed the top of her head.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, Astoria is putting on a games night on the weekend, Slytherin only," she said with excited eyes.

"Games night?" I questioned, "isn't that for children?"

"Not when there's alcohol involved" she smirked.

"Have you ever played truth or dare drunk?" She asked. I shook my head "well, you're in for a surprise."

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