Chapter 10

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"Arabella, Arabella!" Astoria woke me from my sleep, shaking me hard. I rubbed my eyes and scowled at her.

"What Astoria?"

I would have to tell her soon to stop disturbing me when I am relaxing.

"Blaise asked me on a date to Hogsmeade this weekend!" she said happily.

I smiled lazily "that's great!"

"I know, I don't know what I will wear, Merlin's beard, I need to buy something!"

"Oh shut up," Pansy said from across the room.

"Pansy, just because Malfoy doesn't want you doesn't mean you need to be a bitch to everyone" Astoria rolled her eyes.

Pansy walked into the bathroom and slammed the door. Astoria laughed and continued to talk about her excitement about her upcoming date.

My routine was the same every day, classes, library, room of requirement and then repeat. I started to feel more concentrated. Now that Draco left me alone I was able to put my all into my work.

I wanted to say that I was glad he wasn't speaking to me but I couldn't. As much as he completely embarrassed me and betrayed my trust I always found myself thinking about him, wanting him to speak with me, but I was stronger than that.

Now standing in professor Umbridge's classroom, I watched students walk in and walk out of her office. She was interrogating every student to see if she could find information about suspected illicit activities.

Thankfully everyone kept quiet, no one mentioned Dumbledor's army. That didn't stop her from continuing to make educational decrees. It was now my turn to be questioned.

"Tea dear?" she asked.

"No thank you" I responded.

She tried to pry answers from me but I gave her nothing. I could see she was becoming irritated as she kept shaking her leg, giving me that same sadistic smile. I matched her smile when a knock came from the door. You've got to be kidding me.

"Ah Mr Malfoy, do come in" she smiled.

Draco looked at me with a blank face and then turned his attention to the pig.


Draco shook his head, glancing at me quickly.

"Nothing professor, don't worry we will find something out soon" he smirked. She nodded at him, gesturing him to leave.

She turned her focus back to me again. "Now miss Roseberry, since you have nothing to say, and you have insisted you know nothing, perhaps you would be interested in joining the inquisitorial squad."

"No thank you, professor Umbridge, I'm far too concentrated on the O.W.L exams" I smiled sweetly at her.

She seemed satisfied with my answer "well run along then" she ushered me to the door, calling in her next victim.

I ran along to my last class for the day picking up the pace. Merlin's beard why am I always late, turning the corridor quickly I fell bumping my head on the cold floor.

"Fuck me" I cursed, rubbing my head.

"Arabella!" Neville ran towards me and helped me up.

"Are you okay?" He looked with a concerned face.

"I think so—I don't know— everything is a bit blurry."

"Let's get you to madam Pomfrey" he held me whilst walking me to the nurse.

"Thank you Neville" I whispered, then everything went dark.

"You're so stupid, do you know that?" Draco's hand engulfed mine as he stroked my hair. "I didn't sleep with her, after I was with you, I didn't even touch her. I haven't touched her since you" he whispered.

"You're so beautiful, Bella." He placed a kiss on the top of my head."

"Arabella, you're awake!" Astoria gave me a tight hug and examined my face.

"Still pretty as ever."

Fully waking up, I sighed another dream about him.

"Thanks, Astoria, how long was I out for?"

She looked at her watch "about eighteen hours, madam Pomfrey said you had a mild concussion" she informed me.

"Oh gosh."

"But you're fine now, let's get you out of here and freshened up!"

She helped me up and allowed me to get dressed.

"Arabella, I thought you were a goner!" Blaise hugged me as I walked into the common room.

Draco, Goyle, Crabbe and Pansy were sitting in the centre of the room.

"Come sit" Blaise led me over to the sofa and cleared the seat for me. He went back to Astoria and spoke with her, she was blushing immediately and my heart warmed from the sight.

"So what happened Roseberry?" Crabbe asked stuffing his face with a cupcake. That boy needs to go on a diet, I wonder if Madame Pomfrey had a diet spell.

"Uh I tripped and hit my head on the ground," I said to him.

Pansy laughed "God you are embarrassing," she remarked.

"Pansy quit it," Astoria said from across the room with a scowl on her face.

"No, I won't quit it, I'm fed up, everyone's tiptoeing around her but won't address the elephant in the room" she shouted now standing up.

"Parkinson stop, you don't need to say shit!" Blaise came to my defence.

"No, no go on Pansy, speak what you need to say," I said, ushering her to speak what was on her mind. I saw Draco sitting up in his seat watching her with a frowned face.

"You're a whore, a mud blood, half-blood loving whore" she said with a smug face "oh yeah a whore with dead parents too."

I stood quickly reaching for my wand.

"Don't you dare stop me this time" I said to Draco who was slowly rising from his seat.

"Anything else Pansy? choose your next words wisely" I growled pointing my wand to her face.

"You think I'm scared of you?" She laughed and slowly went for her wand.

"Stupefy!" I shouted.

Pansy fell to the ground, everyone was shocked. I breathed heavily and stormed to my room. I laughed in my head, making a note to thank Harry for teaching me that spell.

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