Chapter 1: Sophie

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Sophie looked over at the spacious pastures next to Havenfield. She heard a faint roar and smiled, imagining the sound was Verdi, the T. rex that permanently lived outside Sophie's house.

About ten minutes ago, Sophie had finished her talk with Mr. Forkle but wanted to first sit underneath Callas' tree and take a second to relax before going inside. Her parents would probably bombard her with questions the second she stepped under the leaping master.

That was always very annoying.

But Sophie knew that she was so lucky to live in such a beautiful place. Especially because she got to live with the most amazing parents, who supported and loved her.

Sandor called out, "Are you done yet? We need to get inside. Who knows what the Neverseen will do now."

Earlier that day, Sophie had declared war on the Neverseen by destroying their storage house. She had even carved a symbol of a Moonlark into the mud after, wanting them to know that it was her who burned all their stuff up. Unfortunately, this now meant that the Neverseen would try harder than ever to get Sophie, so she now had to take extra precautions.

"Fine." Unable to stall any longer, Sophie walked inside and headed upstairs to her room. Instead of both her parents waiting for her under the crystals only Grady was, and he looked...scared.

No, more nervous. Like something... happened.

"What's wrong? What happened? Where's mom?!" Sophie exclaimed all in one breath.

Grady laughed. "Nothing's wrong kiddo! Your mom is with Juline, and I was just here to check up on how you're doing. I heard you were talking to Forkle about what happened today and I wanted you to know that if you ever need me to give you some guidance or even just talk to you, I'll always listen. I'm here okay?"

Sophie breathed a sigh of relief. "Of course, Dad. It's... just been a pretty rough day, and I think I'm going to go take a shower now so I better get going," Sophie hinted.

"Well if you ever need to talk..." Grady dragged the last word out.

"Thanks, but really I'm fine! Can I go now?"

"If you insist kiddo. But please come down when you're done, so you can grab some food to eat."

"Okay. Bye."

Sophie started to go into her room but suddenly, Sander stopped her.

"Wait. I smell something. Someone's been here."

"Do you think it was them?!" Sophie said alarmed.

"No, but stay here just in case. I'll tell you if it's okay to come in."

Sophie knew Sandor was just doing his job, but she couldn't help being a little annoyed. The Neverseen were regrouping, right?

"Okay," Sophie stared at the door, waiting for Sandors reply.

After what seemed like eternity-but what was probably a few minutes-Sandor called out, "It's safe. You can come in. Just be prepared for something... interesting."

That definitely didn't sound inviting, but Sophie went in anyway and was immediately relieved.

Right in the center of her bed, there was Iggy covered in a whole new coat of color. Splotches of green, purple, and teal with even some tiger stripes totally completed the look. Sophie ran to her bed and poked her fingers through the bars as Iggy bounded forward and pressed his nose against them.

"Awww! Iggy looks so cute! Did Dex come in and do this?"

"Actually... no. It was Keefe." The name sent off a spark in Sophie's mind as soon as Sandor muttered it.

"Wait, what? Keefe can't be here! He's with Elwin and... he said he didn't want to be around me anymore!"

"Well he came and messed with Iggy, but I assume that he was here for a greater purpose than to change the color of your Imp. Especially because he wasn't supposed to be here."

Sophie took Iggy out of the cage and put him in her lap to snuggle him. "Yeah... what was that about?" She looked down at the bed and saw a flash of white peeking out from under the side of the cage.

Wait, is there something under the cage?" Sophie reached down to pull it out and...

"A... letter?" 

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