Chapter 25: Sophie

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Stina asked the question everyone was thinking, "Where are we?"

Sophie and her friends had leapt to a dark and dusty room, with shadowed corners and... nothing.

The room was empty, exempt for a single wooden table in the center.

Sophie almost laughed, the place looked like the perfect spot for a horror movie. Actually, all that was missing was some fog and a few clowns.

"Is this where they want us to meet?" Dex asked, confused.

It looked like there was nobody in the room except for Sophie and her friends.

"Hey look what I found," Biana whispered. She was standing next to the table, holding a tiny piece of paper. "It says, we're glad you came to meet us here, alas this is not the stop. Follow the light then you'll be near, but make sure not to drop. What does that even mean?"

Keefe laughed, "at least they rhymed this time!"

"I think it means that we have to follow another crystal to actually meet them. And then not drop? I guess we'll find out when we get there," Sophie said, ignoring Keefe.

Biana looked at the table again then picked up another small, clear crystal with the black speckles.

"Oh, here it is. Well I guess we have no other option but to follow the light."

"Here goes nothing," Wylie remarked as he picked up the crystal and created a beam.

And they all stepped into the light.


"So you finally came. We were expecting you," a voice called from the shadows.

This time Sophie and her friends had leapt to a grassy area with nothing in sight except for the moon and stars. Sophie heard the rushing sound of running water coming from behind her, but she still couldn't see anything.

Why was it so dark?

The voice called out again, in an almost lilting tone, "You were so late that we thought that you weren't going to come. You're lucky we were wrong."

Then suddenly, as if a light switch had been turned on, the darkness disappeared in a flash and Sophie's surroundings became visible.

They were standing on a flat hill outside and behind Sophie... a steep cliff. Most alarmingly, there was a waterfall rushing down it, strangely muffled. If they had leapt just a few feet closer to the edge, someone would have fallen off.

"Wow, glad we didn't walk over there," Marella whispered, pointing at the cliff.

Sophie was too busy trying to understand where they were that she didn't respond, but when she turned away from the cliff she gasped.

In front of her stood Gisela, Ruy, Gethan, Vespera, and a cloaked figure, all standing under a dome of light.

Clearly Ruy was able to produce shields again.

And who was that cloaked figure with them? They must have been the cause of the darkness, so they were probably a shade, but Sophie didn't know who.

"So, back to hiding behind your little pisionpath again?" Keefe smirked, pointing to Ruy.

Ruy laughed and said, "It works every time so why should I stop? Though I've heard you recruited one of your own. Too bad she doesn't have enough skill to actually do something. Last time didn't go so well, did it?" He taunted, looking at Maruca.

Just keep him distracted, guys. Don't listen to what he says. Sophie transmitted, needing some time to gather up enough power to actually do something.

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