Chapter 8: Keefe

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"Are you done yet?" The abrupt words interrupted Keefe's thoughts of well...Sophie.

She had said that... she wanted him to be with her again. It almost felt like she actually... Nope.

It was never happening.


Keefe had done so many things to her that honestly sucked. But... this felt amazing considering how low Keefe's expectations were... if anything would work out.

"Seriously, do I want to know what you were doing?" Jolie said again.

Keefe forced his eyes open and turned to look at her.

"Nope. You don't."

"Good. I hope you're not distracted because it's time to start training."

"Wait now?" Keefe asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I thought we would talk some more or... I don't know? Do anything other than this?"

"Keefe, I know you hate your new ability and don't want to use it but it'll be safe. I'm wearing these," She raised her arms again.

"And also, Keefe?"


"The sooner we practice the sooner you can control this ability. Before it's too late. I know you don't want that to happen so we better hurry."

Keefe stood up. "I know. Let's get training."


They walked out of Jolie's hideout and onto a wide field. It was a big step up from her tiny hideout. The grass almost looked like it was waving under the gentle wind and the sun was setting in the distance. And best of all, no humans around to worry him. All that was missing were a few Gulons squatting on the ground.

"So why are we here?" Keefe pressed.

"This is where we will train. It's more spacious than my house and will better suit our purposes. Is that all or are you going to keep asking stupid questions?"

"If I don't ask stupid questions, how will I ever know what we're doing?"

"Ok, fair enough, let me phrase this better. Are you done wasting your time to train?"

"Yes," Keefe shut his mouth.

"Good. We are going to come here every hour to do the same exercise. This will help you learn to use your ability while helping you with control."

"I really don't want to use my ability on you..."

"You will HAVE to Keefe. Do I really need to remind you that I'm safe? Don't answer. That was a rhetorical question," Jolie said as Keefe opened his mouth to speak. "Ok, I'm going to pressure you which will make you have to command me. Ready?"

Keefe closed his eyes. "Yes."

He kept them closed. Everything was quiet. What was Jolie going to do? He peeked them open a little. No one was there.


Keefe looked around. "Jol- Ahhh!" He felt someone push into him from behind and as he reached out his arms to stop his fall someone yanked them back and he fell on his face. All he could think of was getting the person who injured him to suffer the same fate as he.


Screaming. Then crying.

"Brant. Brant! BRANT! Don't do this! Stop!" Jolie was screaming hysterically then... silence. As soon as her fit started it... stopped. Jolie lifted her head from the ground.

Keefe ran to her side. "Are you okay, did I hurt you badly?!"

"No Keefe, that was perfect."

"How was what I did good? You were screaming!"

"No, you misunderstood me. That wasn't a good thing that you did but it's helped so much. See, do you remember that I'm an Empath? I need to keep track of your commands in given scenarios and your reaction proved far more valuable than you realize. Actually, it's kind of abstract but after a few of these exercises we will be able to test something out."

Keefe looked at Jolie speechlessly and replied, "Uh yeah, that makes so much more sense. Thanks for clarifying."

Jolie sighed. "Are you capable of having a snark- free conversation with anyone?"

Keefe pretended to think about it. "Well if my head wasn't killing me right now I might say yes but, nope! So lucky you!"

"Well, we better get going. It's getting dark," Jolie huffed.

"Ok. Wait, I have one more question for you."

"Fine. What is it?"

"What other exercises am I in for?"

Jolie smiled. "That's for you to find out."

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