Chapter 23: Sophie

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"Sophie, we all need to talk," Stina announced as Sophie and Keefe walked into the main room. All of Team Valiant was sitting side by side looking... nervous.

Even Biana.

"Yeah, I'm here. What's up?" Sophie finally said, gesturing to Keefe to sit down next to her.

"Um, is Keefe going to be here for this?" Biana murmured.

"Yes, Keefe will," Sophie snapped back.

It wasn't okay that Biana had not come to any of their meetings and then acted like she was above Keefe.

But Keefe didn't seem to mind.

"It's okay Sophie, I got this," Keefe whispered, then spoke louder so everyone would hear him, "I'm just here to help out with anything you guys need. Sounds like this will be an interesting revelation."

"It is," Dex said. "And we're wasting time." He shrugged apologetically, "I mean, someone had to say something..."

Sophie smiled back, wanting him to know that she didn't mind.

"Ok, to get back on track... we learned something about what the Neverseen are up to," Stina confessed.

Wylie raised his hand, then quickly added on, "We were investigating the cause of the goblins disappearance but nothing was really jumping out at us. Not until we found this." He pulled out something glittery from his pocket.

"Is that... a crystal?" Sophie asked in surprise.

The "crystal" looked almost see through. Sophie would have thought it was just a clear crystal until she looked closer and saw tiny flecks of black flitting across the surface.

"Yes, and we also found this next to it." Next to the crystal he added a small slip of paper.

"What does it say?"

"See for yourself," Wylie said, then held it out.

Sophie walked over and took the paper from his hand.

We know what you have figured out, but it's only half the truth. Meet us at the latest hour or you'll regret your decision. Come alone.

"It doesn't even rhyme this time!" Keefe protested.

Sophie jumped. She didn't know he was reading over her shoulder.

"Sorry," Keefe whispered.

"It's okay, I just didn't realize you were there," Sophie whispered back. Keefe gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

Dex groaned, "Can we get back to what Wylie said?

"Right now is seriously not the time for that," Wylie agreed.

Sophie blushed.

"So do the Neverseen want us to meet with them? And the more important question is, why?" She finally asked.

"Well obviously it has something to do with the disappearances that we've been hearing about," Biana answered. "And also? I think the "meeting" is a trap. But I have no idea why they would want to trap us. It doesn't make sense."

"Of course it's a trap!" Stina agreed. "But I still think we should go. We just need to act like Sophie did when we were storming the storehouse and we'll be good!" She added a fist bump along with the words.

"You guys are absolutely NOT going to be following threatening instructions," Sandor interrupted, almost appearing out of the shadows.

Sophie jumped, again. She had no idea that he was even there!

"Well what If we go follow the "threatening instructions" with you? Would that make you feel better?" Dex pointedly told Sandor.

Sandor frowned at Dex, then rebutted, "I would feel better if we burned the note up and forgot about all this nonsense!"

Biana stood up and said, "Guys, calm down! We don't need to make this into a huge fight. We just need to make a solid plan and go for it!"

"So you're saying we're going to follow the instructions?" Sophie asked.

"Well you read their threat, Sophie. And you know they always make good on them. Do you really think it would be a greater risk to wait here and find out what they mean when they said, "regret your decision" or go with bodyguards, check out what's going on, and leave?"

"You know it won't be that simple, Biana. The Neverseen always have more to their agenda then they let on. This won't be an easy leave-then-come-back in 5 minutes journey."

Keefe interrupted, "Hey take it easy you two," he smiled to show that he was kidding. "And for the record, I think we should go."

"Hey!" Sophie said, hurt.

Was he seriously siding with Biana on this?

Keefe looked at her face then quickly added, "I just think that the Neverseen will expect us to not go prepared at all. Like we always are. If we go and are totally ready to fight them on, this could work out in our favor."

Sophie finally nodded slowly. He did kind of make sense, but that didn't make their plan any less dangerous.

"Well... we don't even know where this crystal will take us!" Sophie said, hanging on to the last argument she had.

Part of her agreed with her words, that this was not a good idea but... the rest of her knew that this was their chance to finally get the Neverseen.

Even though they had never really "won" before, anything could happen, right?

Wylie finally spoke again, with his eyes to the floor. He had been strangely quiet during their whole conversation,

Well, argument.

"I think not knowing where the crystal even leads is a risk I'm willing to take. Think about it. Well one, we have our leaping crystals. And two, Sophie can teleport, call the Alicorns, transmit to anyone and call for help, and can do a billion more things that will help us. We have so many escape options it's not even funny. We'll be okay."

"Fine," Sophie muttered. "This could work out. But only if we're cautious, and convince Sandor over there to come with us," she pointed to Sandor as emphasis. He was standing with his arms crossed and nose furrowed.

"Just because I let you guys keep up with your unnecessary planning, doesn't mean I'm allowing you to go," Sandor maintained.

"Come on Gigantor, you know we'll find a way to go no matter what you say," Keefe pointed out. "Would you rather us go with no protection or with you?" Everyone nodded their agreement.

Sandor snarled, saying something about strong-headed charges then replied, "Fine. But as long as you promise to do what I say and bring Ro with you."

Sophie didn't miss the way Keefe shrunk back when Sandor said the ogre princesses name.

Or the way he jumped, and wheeled around when an awfully familiar voice called, "Ooooo, don't think that I haven't forgot about what you did to me, Lord Hunkyhair. We're going to be having a very pleasant chat sooner or later, but now is not the time. So I hear you need me?" Ro asked Sandor.

"Yes. These awfully persistent children believe that they can take down the Neverseen whether or not we go with them. Isn't that cute?"

Sandor was clearly still miffed that he wasn't getting his way.

Ro laughed, twirling her hair around with one claw and using the other to put her arm around Keefe's shoulders. "Yes, it certainly is."

She squeezed Keefe a second longer than needed than reluctantly walked over to the other side of the room.

"So are you guys ready?" Biana finally announced. "We're going to the Neverseen!"

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