Chapter 26: Sophie

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None of the Neverseens' plans had gone very well, with them letting loose newborn trolls, to Keefe learning to control his abilities. But this time it looked as if the Neverseen had actually gotten something right.

The goblins all stood in rows with huge swords clutched in their hands, and armor strapped to their body. They almost looked like they were going to war.

Actually... they probably were.

All of the goblins eyes were strangely blank as if they were being controlled, and their bodies stood unnaturally still. The cuffs of Ethertine were on each of their wrists, glowing bright.

Sophie and her friends screamed and stumbled back while the bodyguards took up position in the front.

The Neverseen laughed at their reactions and Gisela called, "Do you see what we mean? I do hope that you understand what's happening to them."

"They're being... controlled... by the Ethertine," Sophie mumbled.

"That's right! And now we have an unstoppable force that will leave the goblin city in disarray and the Lost Cities ripe for takeover!"

Gethan laughed, as if he had said the funniest thing.

But Sophie was clutching her stomach, and about to vomit. So this was why the Neverseen were kidnapping the goblins. This was their intention.

Gisela spoke again, "You are probably wondering why we even asked you to meet with us. Well, we wanted you to know how behind you are and what stakes are at risk. We have the power to destroy the goblins and finally be able to create a new legacy for the Elves. It's that simple. And you have no way to stop us. Not even with the fancy powers your creators gave you. And you know what? It would be so easy to simply take your parents from their "hidden" location and force them to watch the destruction of the home their daughter lives in. And you know what parents I'm talking about, Sophie."

With the final threat against her human parents, Sophie decided that it was long past time to fight back.

And not just for defense.

Sophie had started a war. And the Neverseen were "rallying their troops." This time Sophie would make sure that everything the Neverseen cared about would get destroyed. They were going to pay.

Guys? Sophie transmitted.

What is it? They all asked.

It's time to fight. Don't hold anything back. Wylie?

Yes, Sophie?

I need you to find a way to get the Ethertine off the Goblins wrists so that they won't be controlled anymore. Glimmer got the Ethertine off of Tam, and I know you can do it.

Okay. Wylie thought.

Let's go Team.

Sophie screamed as all of her friends burst into motion. Maruca dissolved the Neverseens force field and Dex, Keefe, and Fitz started to throw gadgets at them in rapid succession.

"Soldiers, attack!" Vespera screamed, and as if she had pressed a button, the goblins burst into life and started running towards Sophie and her friends.

"Sophie, we can't hold them back for long! We need to leave. NOW!" Sandor yelled, as the bodyguards ran to meet the controlled goblins to fight them. The attacks were brutal to watch, and every close call had Sophie cringing.

But she yelled back, "No! We can't yet! We just need to find a way to get the Ethertine off them!"

"Well, find a way soon! This is getting too dangerous!" Sandor huffed as he threw off yet, another goblin.

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