Chapter 2: Keefe

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"This stinks." Keefe looked out of the dirty window wistfully. Ever since he left Splendor Plains he was regretting his decision to... leave. Maybe he could find a way to live in the Lost Cities without hurting anyone... Keefe shut down the idea immediately.

It was better this way.

If he stayed, he would definitely end up hurting someone. It was just so... hard. The worst thing was that he just couldn't block out the images of what Sophie would look like when she read his letter in his mind. The betrayal and anger in her face... better not to think about it.

Plus, Keefe had said some really embarrassing things in the letter.

Like, super embarrassing.

Honestly though? She would probably hate him forever when she found out that he had left. She also would most likely not even understand what he meant when he wrote that he cared about her a lot.

Or when he said, love, Keefe.

But... at least if she hated him she wouldn't go looking for him right?

Hopefully, she would never find him... hiding out in the forbidden cities seriously sucked. The air smelled terrible, everything was small and dirty, and most of all, he was alone. With... nothing to do.

Keefe still kept the imparter Grady gave him in his pocket even though all he wanted to do was fling it very very far away. After burning it up. He despised having anything that could give him away, even if he knew it was harmless. But deep down Keefe felt a sense of belonging-and security knowing that if anything happened he still had a way to connect with the Elvin world.

No matter how annoying it was.

As he said before, it was better this way.

Keefe stood up and looked around the room. He brushed away some cobwebs that were crowding up the corner of the table and sighed.

The only option that he knew would be safe enough to hide out in was dark and crampy. The only things that were in the room was an old, rickety table and a wooden chair.

That was it.

The room was an old hideout Alvar showed him when he was working in the Neverseen. Keefe figured it was safe enough considering only Alvar knew where it was especially because he was probably dead by now.

Speaking about Alvar being dead...

Keefe really wasn't entirely sure how he felt about that.

He knew that Alvar was better left... gone but a small part of Keefe only saw the half-starved look on Alvar's face as he pleaded to be let free so that he could die alone. Keefe knew that he made the right choice letting Alvar go free but Fitz was very angry about that.

Suddenly, Keefe heard a noise. Was he imagining it? He slowly walked over to the doorway and listened. Seconds ticked by and just as Keefe couldn't stand the waiting anymore, the door slowly opened and someone walked into the room.

Someone wearing a cloak.

A black cloak.

Keefe screamed the only command he could think of in the moments that followed.


It seemed as if time had slowed. The figure abruptly stopped, their fist outstretched.

Keefe couldn't see their face underneath the hood but saw the white eye on their sleeve.

The symbol of the Neverseen.

Which meant that this person was a part of the order.

And they knew where he was.

Keefe swore and ran outside. How did the Neverseen find him? He started panicking. Where else could he go that would be safe? Keefe kept running as fast as he could. As he ran across the paved sidewalks, people stared curiously at him. Keefe ignored their looks and swerved into an abandoned alley, hoping that no one would find him there. He stopped, gasping and took a deep breath in to relieve the pain building up in his throat.

"Stop, Keefe," A voice called out from behind him. Keefe slowly turned around and faced the person who spoke.

"What the...?" It was the same person under the cloak that came into his room!

"Who are you? How do you know who I am? And most of all... WHY ARE YOU FREAKING FOLLOWING ME?" Keefe yelled, not caring that there were people around.

It didn't matter, it was pretty late anyway.

But Keefe was very confused. Who was this strange person? They had literally followed him to one of the Forbidden Cities, found out where he lived, managed to move after Keefe stopped them, and found him again in the alleyway!

The weirdest part was that the voice seemed kind of familiar...

The person abruptly ripped off their hood and looked at Keefe right in the eye. Keefe opened his mouth, surprised.

The person was a woman.

"I'm Glimmer. Do you remember me?" She asked.

Keefe stared at her and started laughing.

"Woah. Did not see that coming. So did you switch over? Or are you like, evil now? Oh, I have an even better one. Wait. You're a random person impersonating Glimmer, you stole a cloak, and then stalked me. Is that a good one?"

Keefe honestly didn't believe that this random person was Glimmer.

So he stuck to humor and laughed his way through.

But seriously, she might have sounded like Glimmer but she couldn't be her.

No way.

Glimmer was under constant watch. She couldn't have escaped!

The girl smiled at Keefe's antics then frowned. "I'm not a part of the Neverseen Keefe. And I'm actually Glimmer. If you don't want to believe me, fine. But before I tell you why I'm here-which is to help you, by the way- you need to know who I am."

"So you're someone I know? Because honestly, I don't remember seeing anyone that looks like you..."

Glimmer interrupted Keefe and put her hand up. "Keefe, you have never actually seen me. Actually, you probably know me as dead."

"Wait, then you're..."

"People know me as Glimmer but that's not my real name as you probably already know. This is really hard to say after so long but... my real name... is Jolie. And I'm here because you need help mastering your new ability."

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