Chapter 13: Sophie

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Sophie and the rest of Team Valiant stood outside the pastures on the fields of Havenfield. Just hours before, they had arranged a meeting with the goblin queen who was much more cooperative than King Enki and had permitted them to visit their city.

Now Team Valiant was just waiting for their escort.

And waiting.

Sandor had told her that they would be waiting a while but...

Sophie needed everything to be faster. Things weren't happening fast enough and no one was realizing how much time they were wasting by just... waiting there.

Sophie has wasted enough time already.

She was just about to call out to Sandor to ask how much longer they would be sitting but a low rumble answered her question. The rumbling grew louder until it seemed as if something was directly beneath them.

"What is that?" Sophie's friends cried in alarm.

Shoot. She hadn't told them about Twinkle. Well now was as good a time as any!

"Oh, It's our escort! Her name is Twinkle," she replied.

"Do we even want to know who or what Twinkle is?!" Dex shouted.

"Uh... she's a giant snake."

"WHAT?" Sophie's friends all shouted in unison as a giant body erupted from the ground and landed in front of them.

Pulling the "carriage."

"Please tell me we're not going to ride behind that," Stina whimpered.

"Well if you want to stay, we can search the goblin city ourselves..."

"Fine. Yes, I'll go," Stina huffed as they all slid into their ride.

"This is absolutely the Worst. Day. Of. My. Life!"

"Even worse than falling into mud?" Wylie replied. Everyone snickered.

"Uhh! Whatever." Stina turned around, pouting.

Sophie tuned them out, feeling dread at the thought of going into another city. Sure the goblin queen was way nicer, but things didn't exactly go well last time in Loamnore...

At least the ride was smooth and in no time at all, Sophie and her friends exited the carriage facing the goblin city.

"Wow," Sophie's friends all whispered in awe. The goblin city definitely deserved some credit, for its golden look, and huge buildings. But now was not the time for wonder.

Sophie persisted, "Come on guys. We gotta go talk to Queen Hylda."

They all groaned and yanked their eyes away from the magnificent view to follow her up to the main castle where the queen resided. Sophie got to the main door and knocked.

"Come in," a sweet voice invited.

There, in the main room sat Queen Hylda with her back to them.

Sophie shrugged and gestured to her friends from outside. They all filed in and sat in front of the Queen with Sandor following behind.

The Queen twisted her eyes away from the large sword she was examining and smiled.

"Welcome, Sophie. So what do I owe the pleasure of your visit for? And who are these other young ones? I have not yet been introduced to them."

Sophie straightened up and replied, "I am now the leader of Team Valiant. These people are Dex Dizznee, Stina Heks, Wylie Endal, and our fifth Teammate is absent as of right now. We came to ask you some questions about the Neverseen and your city. The Neverseen are targeting your people and..."

Queen Hylda interrupted Sophie, putting a finger to her lips.

"I know. Your council has already informed me of your concerns. You don't need to try to win me over. I understand the stakes. And that's why I will tell you what's been going on lately."

"Thank you so much," Sophie replied breathlessly, then asked, "What's been going on?"

"Lately, the strongest members of my army have been disappearing. I have no idea why this is happening, but if they keep disappearing, our security will be greatly hindered. The most frustrating part is that sometimes whenever a warrior disappears, I find flecks of white, glowing material over some of their belongings and I have no idea what it means." Hylda sighed.

Sophie stared wide-eyed in shock, looking at her friends. Finally, she whispered, "Do you have a sample of one of these flecks to show me?"

Hylda touched the side of her breastplate, revealing a hidden tube. As she pulled something out from the middle of it she replied, "Actually, yes, I do." The scrap was tinier than Sophie's fingernail but the glow was unmistakable.

It was Ethertine.

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