Chapter 5: Sophie

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"Don't give me too much credit, Foster. Thanks to you and Ro-and Bangs Boy- it's not like I have a very busy schedule these days. It's either this or sit at home while Dad of the Year complains about how I should be studying or honing my empathy instead of drawing- which does at least give me an excuse to doodle some very unflattering cartoons of him and hide them around the shores of solace for him to find.

He flashed a particularly smug smirk, but Sophie could see the sadness behind it.

And it had her pulling him back into a hug.

Keefe had so many huge family problems of his own, and yet here he was, spending all this time helping her deal with hers-after staying up late figuring all of this out.

"Thank you," she repeated, wishing he didn't feel so tense in her arms. "I mean it, Keefe. I don't know if I'd be able to get through this without you."

"Yes you could," he argued, finally relaxing as he leaned into the hug to whisper, "You're Lady Foster. The Dire Wolf of Team Fancy-pants. And I gotta say, you look awfully cute in a crown."

Love, Keefe

Sophie bolted alright in her bed. It was still dark outside. She looked around trying to make sense of her surroundings. Suddenly, last night's events all came back and she slumped down fighting back tears.

That... didn't come.

After Edaline left, she had just lied down underneath her covers and tried to make sense of all that she had read.

But Sophie's tears were dried up and sadness gave in to anger.

Why, why, WHY did Keefe do this to her? He promised he wouldn't run off anymore and she trusted him! Of course, he said that it was for everyone's good but they could find a way to fix it. Together!

Everything just seemed so confusing and Sophie had half a mind to teleport to the forbidden cities, grab Keefe, and bring him back. But... how would she find him? Also, what did he mean when he said that he cared about her more than she would ever know?

Love, Keefe

Her mind kept circling back to those two words. And Sophie had no idea why. Did he mean something more...


She shut down the idea immediately. Keefe was just a friend. He meant it as something he would say to a friend. That was it. Nothing more.

But Keefe said so many things to her. Were they more than just jokes?

Of course he said that he joked on her to take the suspicion off of him but...

The door opened and Sandor walked in

"Are you okay Sophie? I heard you wake up."

"Um. Yes... I... I'm good," Sophie stammered.

"Convincing. Well get dressed and head downstairs. Someones waiting for you."


"You'll see. Now hurry." Sophie jumped out of bed and quickly pulled on a plain tunic.

As she ran downstairs she realized that she should have probably done her hair but decided it was fine.

Waiting on the couch, standing next to Grady and Edaline was Mr. Forkle.

"Sorry I didn't come to check on you sooner," Mr. Forkle muttered. "Edaline told me what happened and I've come to tell you that I'm so sorry. And... something else. Actually... three things."

Sophie sat down in front of him gesturing to move on.

"Well... apparently Mr. Sencen's ability is more dangerous than we've originally thought. It was a terrible move for him to leave and I hope he realizes that soon. Speaking of which, you probably need to inform your friends soon of the recent... changes. I know they'll be able to help."

Sophie reached up and pulled out an eyelash. "Yeah, okay. But don't distract me! What were you going to say?"

"I was going to say that Keefe is going to need help managing his ability but right now he won't be able to get the help he needs. Have you reached out to him yet?"

Shoot. Sophie didn't think about that. "I will soon."

"Okay, that's good news. I want you to update me on what he says. And the second thing is I heard from Oralie that you opened her cache with her. I think that you should plan a meeting with her very soon then work at opening Kenrics cache."

"Oh." Sophie did not want to meet with her but...what was the point of raiding the storehouse if she didn't even try to open Kenrics cache?

"Yes, sounds good," Sophie amended.

"Um, and the third thing is..."

Forkle looked down but before he did, Sophie saw steel in his eyes.

"Glimmers gone."

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